31 August 2015
The Ministry of Transport and Communications, Botswana organised the 5th Annual ICT Pitso on the 25th -26th August 2015 at the Gaborone International Convention Centre. The theme focused on "Embracing ICTs for a Transformational Change". There were 500 participants including people living with disabilities. Given that ICT is a horizontal enabler there was participation from the following sectors: Agriculture, Heath, Trade and Industry, Mining, Public sector reform, Tourism and hospitality
The consultative forum brought together stakeholders in the communications and related sectors and the public to deliberate on how Botswana and her people can leverage technology to transform into a digital economy. Deliberations focused in which ICTs can be used to drive the socioeconomic transformation and improve the competitiveness of the country information. Experts and the public discussed ways to use ICTs to fast track the evolution of Botswana into knowledge based economy that harness indigenous knowledge and natural resources to achieve national prosperity thus aligning to the National Vision 2016 "Prosperity For All". In this way ICT will play a critical role in the ongoing economic diversification, diverting from total dependence on agriculture and mineral resources as the country thrives to becoming an ICT regional hub.
Main issues discussed during ICT Pitso included:
- What is the level of innovation to foster the evolution of ICT related industries in Botswana?
- How well has communities in Botswana leveraged ICTs to achieve efficiencies in their social activities?
- What are the challenges which have stifled evolution of ICT related industries to achieve cultural, social economic and political transformation of our communities?
- What needs to be done in the short run and long run to address the identified challenges?
Plenary Presentations on 25 August included:
- Digital SADC 2027: Regional Integration and Harmonisation (Anthony Chikazira, Executive Secretary, CRASA
- National ICT Status (Goitsemang Morekisi, PS, Ministry of Transport and Communications)
- ICT Innovation and Employment Creation (Monametsi Kalayamotho, CEO, Moro Group)
- eLegislation Update (Abram Keetshabe, General Counsel, Office of the President)
- Regulatory Environment Overview & Connectivity and Services Status (Thari Pheko, Chief Executive, BOCRA)
- Cyber Security (Ephraim Balebetse, Acting ICT Coordinator, Ministry of Transport and Communication; Tshoganetso Kepaletswe, Deputy CEO, BOCRA)
- ICT Research and Innovation (Paul Cunningham, IST-Africa/ IIMC)
Paul Cunningham of IST-Africa was invited to provide a keynote presentation focused on "Supporting an ICT Research and Innovation Culture". This presentation provide insights into the activities ongoing through the IST-Africa Initiative, the role of ICT Research and Innovation, Alignment of Research projects with National Strategy, Building Research Capacity & Research Culture, Developing Research Teams, Benefits of cross-border research collaboration and an Introduction to Horizon 2020. Paul's presentation leveraged case studies to illustrate how other countries have build up a research culture. This presentation was very well received, leading to a lot of discussion in relation to how Higher Education Institutions in Botswana can build on achievements from other countries.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications organised a number of one-on-one and group meetings with relevant stakeholders following this presentation to facilitate further discussion with Paul in relation to next steps.
On 26 August there were a number of sessions focused on eCommence, eHealth, eEducation, ICT & Mining and Public Sector Reform. After lunch the participants broke into parallel sessions to discuss the various themes in more detail and come up with an action plan.
IST-Africa was requested to moderate the breakout session on Research & Innovation, which was very well attended and interactive. The outputs were presented back to the full conference in the Closing Plenary.