Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation

Horizon 2020 commenced in January 2014 as the new Framework Programme to implement the Innovation Union with research and innovation funds of €80 billion from 2014 - 2020.

Horizon 2020 addresses all research and innovation funding that was previously provided through the Framework Programmes for Research and Technical Development (e.g. FP7), Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) and European Institute of Innovation and Technology.

Support proposed for Research and Innovation under Horizon 2020 includes:

- Strengthening research in Science (budget of €24.5 billion)

- Strengthening Industrial leadership in Innovation (budget of €22.6 billion), including investment in key technologies, access to capital and support for SMEs

- Address Societal challenges (budget of €31 billion) such as climate change, sustainable transport and mobility, affordable renewal energy, food security, ageing population

The Work Programmes for 2016 - 2017 Calls for each thematic area were published on 14 October 2015 and updated on 25 July 2016. The Work Programmes for 2018 - 2020 were published on 27 October 2017, with the updated version for 2019 published on 24 July 2018. The Work Programme links in this area provide access to the updated 2018 - 2020 Work programmes as at 24 July 2018.

ICT is a horizontal activity that is included across a number of Work Programmes within LEIT and within Societal Challenges. Download Guide to ICT-related Activities in 2018-2020 Work Programmes

IST-Africa has prepared a number of resources to assist newcomers to Horizon 2020:

- The IST-Africa Report on ICT Initiatives, Research and Innovation Priorities and Capacity (ISBN No: 978-1-905824-58-8) provides an update on the ICT enabling Environment, ICT-related Initiatives and Research Capacity in IST-Africa Partner countries (Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Eswatini, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda) as at December 2018. It provides insights into National Research Priorities, Priority areas for collaboration in the context of H2020 and Horizon Europe and a mapping of research organisations and research priorities to H2020 themes. It highlights African participation to date in Horizon 2020 and showcases ongoing activities and results from projects funded under the ICT-39-2015 and ICT-39-2017 Horizon 2020 Calls. It provides insights into the Digital4Development framework launched by the European Commission and profiles some of the short term and medium term actions currently ongoing. It provides an update and mapping of Innovation Spaces in IST-Africa partner countries. It is an excellent resource to identify partners in other countries and to learn more about achievements in policy development and ongoing projects in each IST-Africa partner country.

- The IST-Africa Guide to 2019 Calls for Proposals provides an overview of Calls, themes and deadlines during 2018 within the Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) and each of the Societal Challenges (Health, Food Security and Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Environment, Inclusive and Reflective Societies, Secure Societies) Work Programmes.

- IST-Africa Report on ICT Initiatives, Research and Innovation Priorities and Capacity provides an update on the ICT enabling Environment, ICT-related Initiatives and Research Capacity in the targeted countries; National Research Priorities, Priority areas for collaboration in the context of the ICT-39-2017 Call of H2020, a mapping of research priorities to H2020 themes, summary of participation under FP7 and Horizon 2020 and a mapping of Innovation Spaces in Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Uganda as at October 2017 ISBN No: 978-1-905824-58-8.

- IST-Africa Guide to 2018 Calls for Proposals in Horizon 2020 provides an overview of Calls, themes and deadlines during 2018 within the Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) and each of the Societal Challenges (Health, Food Security and Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Environment, Inclusive and Reflective Societies, Secure Societies) Work Programmes.

- IST-Africa Introduction to Horizon 2020 is designed to support newcomers to Horizon 2020 to better understand the structure, rules and expectations. Chapter 1 provides a short introduction to Horizon 2020, the role of International Cooperation including insights into African participation under FP7 and Horizon 2020 to date and summarises the key differences between FP7 and Horizon 2020. Chapter 2 provides more details in relation to Research Areas, Participation Rules, Funding Instruments and African participation under initial calls of Horizon 2020. Chapter 3 provides insights into a number of preparatory steps that need to be considered prior to preparing a proposal for submission under Horizon 2020. These include identification of relevant research areas and calls, identification of complementary partners and correct funding instrument.

- Overview of ICT-39-2017 Call - Innovation Actions based on addressing end-user requirements in sub-Saharan African countries - Deadline 25 April 2017

- IST-Africa Guide to 2017 Calls for Proposals in Horizon 2020 is based on updated 2017 Work Programmes to provide an overview of Calls, themes and deadlines within the Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT - International Cooperation, Future Internet, Content, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Key enabling Technologies) and each of the Societal Challenges (Health, Food Security and Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Environment, Inclusive and Reflective Societies, Secure Societies) Work Programmes.

- IST-Africa Guide to 2016 Calls for Proposals in Horizon 2020 based on updated Work Programmes to provide an overview of Calls, themes and deadlines within the Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT - Components and Systems, Advanced Computing, Future Internet, Content Technologies and Information Management, Robotics and Key enabling Technologies (Micro-nano-electronics and photonics)) and each of the Societal Challenges (Health, Food Security and Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Environment, Inclusive and Reflective Societies, Secure Societies) Work Programmes.

Please visit the Horizon 2020 section within the Participants portal to download the Proposers Guide and specific templates to prepare proposals for submission under Horizon 2020 calls open in 2018 within specific Marie Curie, eInfrastructures, LEIT and Societal Challenges themes.

Excellent Science

With the aim of increasing excellence in science, it is envisaged that Horizon 2020 will support frontier research, collaborative research on Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), training and career development through Marie Curie Actions and research infrastructures (including eInfrastructures).

Marie Curie Calls

Marie Curie WorkProgramme 2018 - 2020

- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks - Deadline 15 January 2019

- Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) - Deadline 02 April 2019

eInfrastructures Calls

Research Infrastructures Work Programme (including eInfrastructures)

- Research Infrastructures - Demonstrating the role of Research Infrastructures in the translation of Open Science into Open Innovation (INFRAINNOV-02-2019 (CSA) - Deadline 20 March 2019

- eInfrastructure - Support to policy and international cooperation (INFRASUPP-01-2018-2019 (CSA,RIA) - Deadline 20 March 2019

Industrial Leadership

With the aim to make Europe a more attractive location for investment in research and innovation, it is envisaged that Horizon 2020 will build

- Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies with dedicated support for ICT, nanotechnologies, advanced materials, biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and processing, and space, while also providing support for cross-cutting actions to capture the accumulated benefits from combining several Key Enabling Technologies;

- Facilitate access to risk finance;

- Provide support for innovation in SMEs.

It aims to also further develop industrial capacity in Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) including Micro- and nano-electronics, photonics; Nanotechnologies; Advanced materials; Biotechnology; Advanced manufacturing and processing; and development of these technologies requires a multi-disciplinary, knowledge and capital-intensive approach.

ICT related challenges include Components and Systems, Advanced Computing, Future Internet, Content Technologies, Robotics and Smart Spaces, ICT KETs and ICT for Manufacturing.

LEIT ICT Work Programme 2018 - 2020

ICT 2019 Calls (Photonics, Robotics, Next Generation Internet)- Deadline 28 March 2019

Societal Challenges

As part of addressing the Europe 2020 strategy, funding will focus on the following challenges:

- Health, demographic change and wellbeing - Download Health Work Programme

- Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bio-economy - Download Work Programme

- Secure, clean and efficient energy - Download Work Programme

- Smart, green and integrated transport - Download Work Programme

- Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials - Download Work Programme

- Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies - Download Work Programme

- Secure Societies - Download Work Programme

Please visit the Participants portal for the details of calls open in 2018 and 2019 with specific Societal Challenges themes and the associated deadlines

African Focused Calls

As well as looking at how African research institutions can contribute to general calls, some specific calls that would benefit from African research and innovation participation include:

Food and Agriculture Work Programme

- SFS-33-2018: Support to the implementation of the EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security & Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) - Coordination and Support Action requiring at least eight participants from Africa - deadline 13 February 2018 (Closed)

- SFS-12-2019: A vaccine against African swine fever - Innovation Action - deadline 23 January 2019

- SFS-35-2019-2020: Sustainable Intensification in Africa - Research and Innovation Action - deadlines: First Stage: 23 Jan 2019; Second stage 04 Sept 2019. Sub-topic A: proposals shall include at least five participants from specific region of Africa (as defined by the African Union) and a minimum of eight participants from Africa / Sub-topic B: proposals shall include at least eight participants from Africa. Due to logistics the laboratory for soil sample analysis should be located on the African continent.


- LC-SC3-JA-4-2018: Support action in preparation of a Joint Programming activity - Coordination & Support Action, deadline: 31 January 2018 (Closed)

- LC-SC3-JA-5-2019: Joint Programming with EU and African partners for a R&I actions in the area of renewable energy - COFUND (European Joint Programme), deadline: 27 August 2019


- SC1-BHC-16-2018: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) - Scaling-up of evidence-based health interventions at population level for the prevention and management of hypertension and/or diabetes in low- and middle-income countries - Research and Innovation action, deadline: 18 April 2018 (Closed)

- SC1-HCO-06-2018: Establishment of an International Network of Social Sciences Research Centres to help address governance and other challenges in the preparedness for and the response to infectious threats - Coordination & Support Action, deadline: 18 April 2018 (Closed)

- SC1-BHC-19-2019: Implementation research for maternal and child health - Research and Innovation action, deadlines: First Stage: 02 October 2018; Second Stage: 16 April 2019 (Closed)

Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

- LC-CLA-05-2019: Human dynamics of climate change - Research and Innovation action, deadlines: First Stage: 19 Feb 2019; Second stage 04 Sept 2019. Proposals addressing sub-topic a) shall include at least three participants from at least two different African countries.

Relevant Links to get more information

Horizon 2020 Official site

Horizon 2020 Calls on Participants Portal

Frequently Asked Questions on Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 Links

Horizon 2020 Official site

Horizon 2020 Open Calls

Horizon 2020 2018-2020 Work Programmes (updated version for 2019, published 24 July 2018)

LEIT ICT Work Programme 2018 - 2020

Marie Curie Work Programme 2018 - 2020

Research Infrastructures Work Programme (including eInfrastructures)

Societal Challenges:

Health Work Programme

Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and the bio-economy Work Programme

Secure, clean and efficient energy Work Programme

Smart, green and integrated transport Work Programme

Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Work Programme

Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Work Programme

Secure Societies Work Programme

Frequently Asked Questions on Horizon 2020