13 January 2020
806 projects were submitted for consideration under the 9th Annual Awards of WSIS Prizes of which 353 projects were nominated for the WSIS Prize 2020 Online Voting.
IST-Africa Institute and mHealth4Afrika have both been shortlisted for consideration for the WSIS Prizes 2020 in the following categories:
- IST-Africa Institute - Category 18 - AL C11. International and regional cooperation
- mHealth4Afrika -Category 10 - AL C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life - E-health
We would like to invite you to vote for both IST-Africa Institute and mHealth4Afrika in the coming days. You can only vote for one project in each category .
Please note that voting closes on 24 January .
Process to Vote
- Go to https://bit.ly/2QRLegF
- Either log in if you have a previous account on the WSIS site or click "Register as a New User"
- If you selected Register as a New User, after registration, please go to the following page https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/stocktaking/Prizes/2020 - Go half way down the page until you see Phase 3 - click on VOTE
- On the next page, click on VOTING FORM - by default the page displays AL C1 eGovernment
- Select the relevant category from the drop down list
IST-Africa Institute - AL C11. International and regional cooperation - 15th project in the list
After voting for the initial project the page goes back to the default page and you need to select the next category in the drop down list of categories
mHealth4frika - AL C7. E-health- end of the page
Look for the project name within these two categories and click on Vote for this project under the project name
Please note you can only vote for one project in each category. After you have voted for a category this category is no longer accessible via the drop down list of categories.
Based on the votes that each project receives during this phase, five projects in each category will be selected as the WSIS Prizes 2020 Champions and short listed for potential consideration as prize winner of that category.
Please vote for IST-Africa Institute and mHealth4Afrika before 24 January to ensure they are recognised as WSIS Prizes 2020 Champions and can be considered to as potential winners during the final selection phase.