01 June 2017
Three of the projects funded under the Horizon 2020 ICT-39-2015 Call actively disseminated their interim results during IST-Africa 2017; mHealth4Afrika, its4land and WAZIUP.
The mHealth4Afrika workshop was very interactive in nature, with plenty of questions and discussion with the participants during the Health Track of IST-Africa 2017. The presentations provided insights into the mHealth4Afrika objectives and co-design approach undertaken with the Ministries of Health and health clinics in the four participating countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa). The comparative findings from the baseline study and the implications for the alpha and beta prototypes were shared. The alpha validation was undertaken with clinics across the four countries during Q4 2016, which provided valuable insights into requirements for the beta system. Participants had the opportunity to use the CE approved sensors that the nurses will be using at the point of care in mHealth4Afrika intervention countries during the beta pilot.
Dr John Horn of ITC, Netherlands presented its4land activities during Session 8a. its4land is creating seven tools to make land rights mapping faster, cheaper and easier based on needs requirements and multi-stakeholder assessment undertaken in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. It aims to develop spatial cognition sensing tools, adapt UAV mapping and remote sensing methods, refine automatic feature extraction algorithms and tools to support web land information services.
The WAZIUP workshop provided insights into its objectives and achievements to date. It aims to provide affordable, simple to use, open source end-to-end solutions using Internet of Things. Use cases to date have focused on agriculture (weather and soil moisture), logistics, cattle rustling and fish farming in West Africa.
To complement the public dissemination the IST-Africa Consortium organised a coordination meeting between the four projects to share experiences and provide advice. Each project presented their objectives and achievements to date and any challenges they are facing. This knowledge sharing session was very informative and the projects brainstormed in relation to potential solutions to practical challenges being faced in different environments.