Hosted by the Government of Malawi through the National Commission for Science and Technology, Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa 2015 will take place in Bingu International Conference Centre (Capital Hill/Presidential Way), Lilongwe from 06 - 08 May 2015. The 5th Annual IST-Africa Living Lab Thematic Working Group Meeting will take place on 05 May as a pre-conference event.
IST-Africa provides a unique forum to exchange knowledge about research being undertaken in Europe and Africa focused on eInfrastructures, eHealth, Technology-enhanced Learning, eAgriculture, eGovernment, Digital Libraries, Cloud Computing, ICT4D and International Cooperation. It also provides an opportunity to identify potential partners for future research cooperation under Horizon 2020.
The Advance Programme incorporates 2 plenary sessions and 35 parallel sessions in the Scientific Programme with over 140 presenters from 35 countries. The Scientific Programme for IST-Africa 2015 is based on a double blind peer review of Papers submitted to an open Call for Papers, which closed on 19 December 2014.
The Advance Programme is available online - click on Day or Printable Version. The Advance Programme is regularly updated online.
You can also download the current version of the Advance Programme brochure
Plenary Speakers confirmed to date include:
- Hon. Dr. Emmanuel Fabiano, M.P., Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Malawi;
- Mr Anthony Muyepa-Phiri, Director General, National Commission for Science and Technology, Malawi;
- Mr Andrew Kumbatira, Director General, Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority;
- Mr Victor Malewa, Deputy Director, Department of e-Government, Ministry of Information;
- Mr Moctar Yedaly, Head of Information Society Division, African Union Commission;
- Mr Kasirim Nwuke, Innovation and Technology, UNECA;
- Mr Morten Møller, Programme Coordination, DG CONNECT, European Commission, Belgium;
- Dr Harry Gombachika, Chief Executive Officer, Malawi Telecommunications Limited;
- Dr Pascal Hoba, CEO, UbuntuNet Alliance;
- Dr. Paulos Nyirenda, CEO, SDNP;
- Mrs Bessie Nyirenda, Management Consultant, Malawi Institute of Management; and
- Mr Moses Bayingana, ICT Expert, Information Society Division, African Union Commission
There is an interesting mix of workshops focused on International Cooperation, eInfrastructures, Impact Assessment of ICT4D projects, eHealth, Technology-enhanced learning and Future Internet.
IST-Africa is presenting Research Capacity in IST-Africa partner countries to raise awareness of potential partners for future calls under Horizon 2020. NCST is organising a workshop focused on ICT Initiatives in Malawi.
UbuntuNet Alliance is organising an eInfrastructure workshop in cooperation with WACREN focused on Identity Federation and Shared Services for Research and Education.
The FI-LINKS Future Internet PPP Project is organising a workshop to share information and best practices in relation to the FIWARE platform and opportunities to leverage these tools in an African context.
The Center for Community Technologies, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is facilitating a workshop focused on Impact Assessment of ICT4D projects including Living Labs. This will incorporate knowledge sharing and practical exercises.
The Supporting Life eHealth FP7 Project is organising a workshop to share results in relation to the electronic based Community case Management decision based tools being piloted in Malawi.
The Agora Center, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, in collaboration with the Centre for the Promotion of Literacy in Sub-Saharan Africa (CAPOLSA), University of Zambia are organising a Technology-enhanced learning workshop focused the GraphoWorld solution to global illiteracy crisis presented through case studies.
It is necessary to complete online registration prior to the event. Early Bird Registration is available up to 20 March.