Tunisia invests in education and training to realise highly qualified human resources. Tunisia has made sustained efforts to improve its competencies and devotes nearly 17.87% of the state budget to education (Ministary of Education 13.74%, Ministary of Higher Education & Scientific Research 4.13%). This effort can be seen in the education statistics outlined below:
- 13 public universities and a virtual university
- More than 208 public higher education institutions and 72 private institutions of higher education
- There were 243,000 registered students at the end of 2017 (including 61% female)
- Almost 13,000 students in high standing European, Canadian and American universities
- Computerization and internet connectivity of all higher education institutions
- More than 40,797 students enrolled in ICT training - representing approximately 16.6% of the student population
- More than 10,762ICT graduates per year (around 18% of total graduation)
- More than 151 ICT training specializations within more than 75 public and private higher education institutions
Tunisia regards the mastering of knowledge and technology as a crucial factor in economic and social development. The country is constantly consolidating investment in knowledge and adjusting the education system and training, to guarantee the competencies required by the workplace. It also aims at reinforcing the spirit of initiative, creativity and innovation. This effort has been the background for smart specialization, where a progressive and swift consolidation of scientific curricula and teaching material content in short and long term training courses of the higher education and vocational training institutions was carried out. This was based on:
- Cut-backs in training costs
- Intensive use of modern communication networks and the possibilities they offer
- Promotion of scientific research
- Languages: Arabic, French, English, German, Italian, Spanish and others
In addition to the investment in education, Tunisia is trying to enhance the quality of ICT companies. Conscious of the importance of certification of companies and competencies in order to guarantee a high quality of services and products and constant improvement, Tunisia engaged early in a program of ISO certification. Special programs of work certifications were also set up. This entailed a number of certified companies such as CMMI, ITIL and CISA. Thus, Tunisia has the first CMMI level 5 certified companies in Africa.
National ICT Priorities include to:
- Improve the eInfrastructure, Services and trusted Networks - to create new jobs, update ICT infrastructures and enhance the research and learning facilities. Institutions involved include: ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar; ENSI, University of Manouba; ENIS and ENET'Com, University of Sfax; INSAT, EPT and SupCom University of Carthage
- Promote the Knowledge Economy and eServices through the deployment of ICT (eHealth, eAgriculture, eLearning, eAdministration, eGovernment) and help the creation of new innovative SMEs and growth in existing SMEs. Institutions involved include: ENSI, University of Manouba; ENIS and ISIMS at the University of Sfax; SupCom, and INSAT: University of Carthage; ENSIT, University of Tunis; The Digital Research Center of Sfax.
- ICT for Energy Efficiency - development of Smart electrical grid and renewable energy use, enhancement of energy efficiency in transportation. Institutions involved include: ENIT, University of Tunis El Manar; ENSI, University of Manouba; ENIS and ISIMS at the University of Sfax; INSAT and SupCom University of Carthage; The Digital Research Center of Sfax.
The table below provides an overview of universities with ICT/Engineering Courses:
Institution | Location | ICT/Engineering Department(s) | ICT/Engineering Teaching Staff | Total Students | Total ICT/students | Post-Graduate Masters, PhD |
University of Tunis | Tunis | Higher School of Sciences and Techniques of Tunis | 18 | 1160 | 136 | 178 |
University of Tunis El Manar | Tunis El Manar | Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Tunis National School of Engineers of Tunis Higher Institute of Computer Science of El Manar Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Tunis
National School of Engineers of Tunis
Higher Institute of Computer Science of El Manar
163 | 9395 | 2524 | 1243 |
University of Carthage | Carthage | Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte Tunisia Polytechnic School Higher School of Technology and Computer Science of Carthage National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Mateur Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte
Tunisia Polytechnic School
Higher School of Technology and Computer Science of Carthage
National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology
Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Mateur
163 | 7109 | 2125 | 577 |
University of Manouba | Manouba | Higher Institute of Multimedia Arts of Manouba National School of Computer Sciences Higher Institute of Multimedia Arts of Manouba
National School of Computer Sciences
93 | 2184 | 1913 | 71 |
University of Jendouba | Jendouba | Higher Institute of Computer Science of El Kef Faculty of Juridical, Economic Sciences and Management of Jendouba Higher Institute of Computer Science of El Kef
Faculty of Juridical, Economic Sciences and Management of Jendouba
65 | 4527 | 1229 | 228 |
University of Sousse | Sousse | Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Communication Techniques of Hammam Sousse National Engineering School of Sousse Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Communication Techniques of Hammam Sousse
National Engineering School of Sousse
73 | 1936 | 1312 | 128 |
University of Monastir | Monastir | Faculty of Sciences of Monastir National Engineering School of Monastir Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of Monastir Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Mahdia Higher Institute of Computer Science of Mahdia Faculty of Sciences of Monastir
National Engineering School of Monastir
Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of Monastir
Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Mahdia
137 | 6307 | 2019 | 453 |
University of Kairouan | Kairouan | Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management of Kairouan Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Kairouan Higher Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Kairouan Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management of Kairouan
Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Kairouan
Higher Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Kairouan
69 | 2726 | 776 | 110 |
University of Sfax | Sfax | National Engineering School of Sfax Faculty of Sciences of Sfax Higher Institute of Electronic and Communication of Sfax Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax National Engineering School of Sfax
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax
Higher Institute of Electronic and Communication of Sfax
Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax
217 | 7294 | 2242 | 991 |
University of Gafsa | Gafsa | Faculty of Sciences of Gafsa Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gafsa Higher Institute of Sciences and Energy Technology of Gafsa Faculty of Sciences of Gafsa
Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gafsa
Higher Institute of Sciences and Energy Technology of Gafsa
46 | 3393 | 547 | 169 |
University of Gabes | Gabes | Faculty of Sciences of Gabes National Engineering School of Gabes Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Multimedia of Gabes Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gabes Higher Institute of Industrial Systems of Gabes Higher Institute of Computer Sciences of Medenine Faculty of Sciences of Gabes
National Engineering School of Gabes
Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Multimedia of Gabes
Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gabes
Higher Institute of Industrial Systems of Gabes
Higher Institute of Computer Sciences of Medenine
141 | 6422 | 1484 | 256 |
Higher Institute of Technological Studies | Tunis | Department of Computer Sciences | 609 | 25541 | 5880 | 0 |
The following universities and research centres in Tunisia are undertaking ICT-related initiatives:
- Research focus: e-learning, image and video processing, signal processing, embedded systems, WSN, wireless communications, Encryption;
- Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Tunis: Algorithmic and heuristic programming; Parallel algorithms and data analysis
- National School of Engineers of Tunis (ENIT): Coding, transmission and protection of information; Microwave and antennas; Guided optics and integrated cellular radio networks, Networks and Systems, Embedded communicating Systems; audio Tattoo; Energy efficiency - smart grids, home grids, transport; Optical Communication systems; Photonic crystal structures - solar cells; Parallel Computing and Simulation Software; eHealth; Self-management of health; Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Big Data, Machine Learning; Advanced Data Mining
- Higher Institute of Computer Science of El Manar: Software Engineering and Information Systems, systems architecture and networks; industrial computer science;
- Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte : Computer sciences
- Tunisia Polytechnic School : Optical, Microwave and wireless networks and systems;
- Higher School of Technology and Computer Science of Carthage (ESTI) : Computer Systems and Software, Network Management and Services;
- National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (INSAT) : Optimization of Wireless Networks of the future; Internet of things; Operation and management of large volumes of data; Interoperability between hardware and software components; Supercomputing; Dependability and Development of safe systems with high time constraints; Robotics, Mobile networks and computing; Smart Embedded Components and Systems, Smart Integrated Systems, Systems of Systems and Complex System Engineering, Processor and System Architecture, Interconnect and Data Localisation Technologies, High Performance computing, Future Internet, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust, Technology-enhanced Learning, Content Access and Analytics; Big Data Technologies, Advanced Data Mining, Machine Learning, Service Robotics, eHealth; Smart cities;
- Higher School of Communications (Sup'Com) of Tunis : ICT for Environment (disaster management, flood mapping, forest fires etc), Communications - Signal and Image, Biomedical Audio/image analysis. Signal and image, Smart Embedded Components and Systems, Technologies for IoT, Processor and System Architecture, Networks, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, Future Internet, Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust, Wireless Communication and All Optical Networks, eHealth; Self-management of health; improved diagnostics; health data collection; Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry; Smart cities; Energy Efficient buildings; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Transportation
- National School of Computer Sciences (ENSI) : Internet of Things (IoT) Communications Machine-to-Machine (M2M) & Internet ubiquitously, Green Communications, Smart Grid Communications, Social Networks, Interconnection and cooperation cyber physical systems heterogeneous CPU-GPU Hybrid Calculations wide scale optimization, reasoning by constraints and quality of service in networks techniques cache to minimize network traffic in applications using streaming media, network quality of service oriented MANETs; Software engineering, Documental engineering; Linguistics engineering; engineering of knowledge and information
- Faculty of Juridical, Economic Sciences and Management of Jendouba : Computer sciences
- Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Communication Techniques of Hammam Sousse: Engineering of knowledge and information
- National Engineering School of Sousse : Industrial computer sciences
- Higher School of Sciences and Technologies of Hammam-Sousse
- Faculty of Sciences of Monastir: Digital systems and computer sciences
- National Engineering School of Monastir
- Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Mathematics of Monastir
- Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Mahdia
- Higher Institute of Computer Science of Mahdia
- Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management of Kairouan
- Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Kairouan
- Higher Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Kairouan
- National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) :: Computer sciences, Signal processing; High Performance computing, Future Internet, Robotics, Mobile networks and computing, Smart Embedded Components and Systems, Parallel Computing and Simulation Software, Cloud Computing, Wireless Communication, Technology-enhanced Learning, Advanced Data Mining, Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Transport
- Faculty of Sciences of Sfax : Computer sciences
- National School of Electronics and telecommunication : Networking, Computer Engineering, Medical Electronics, Smart-Grid
- Higher Institute of Computer Science and Multimedia of Sfax : Multimedia and computer sciences
- Faculty of Sciences of Gafsa
- Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gafsa
- Higher Institute of Sciences and Energy Technology of Gafsa
- Faculty of Sciences of Gabes
- National Engineering School of Gabes
- Higher Institute of Computer Sciences and Multimedia of Gabes
- Higher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Gabes
- Higher Institute of Industrial Systems of Gabes
- Higher Institute of Computer Sciences of Medenine
Based on consultation with stakeholders the following thematic areas are considered to be important in the context of the ICT-39 Call:
Thematic Areas | Topics | Partners include |
eHealth | Telemedicine and remote diagnosis, Wireless devices for healthcare; Disease Treatment and Management; Medical Image Process, mHealth | Institut Pasteur de Tunis; Centre de Recherche en Numérique de Sfax;Neurone Institute; Salah Azaiez Institute of Cancer Studies; ISI, University Tunis El Manar; ENIT, University Tunis El Manar; ENSIT; ENIS; ENET'Com, SupCom; Institut National de La Sante Publique; |
eAgriculture & Environment | Water management; eAgriculture, Precision Agriculture | INAT Carthage University; ENSI, Manouba University; IRESA; INSAT; ENIT; Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de La Mer; SupCom; Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, Centre de Recherche en Numérique de Sfax |
Technology-enhanced Learning | Distance Learning; Access to computational grids | Université Virtuelle de Tunis; CCK; ENSI, University of Manouba; INSAT, University of Carthage; SupCom; ATI; CERT |
eGovernment | Service Delivery | CNI; ENSI, University of Manouba; INSAT, University of Carthage; ENIS; ENSIT; Université Virtuelle de Tunis |
Environment |
ENIT, ENIS, Centre International des Technologies de L'environnement de Tunis; SupCom; Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie; Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel; Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax - CBS; Centre de Biotechnologie de Borj Cedria; Centre de Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux; Université de Tunis; Sfax University; Institut des Regions Arides |
The mapping to Horizon 2020 Research areas is summarised below:
Horizon 2020 Industrial Leadership | Institution, Relevant Dept and Research area |
Components and Systems | SupCom (Dept. of Computer Science and Networks and Doctoral school of ICT): Smart embedded components and systems; ENSI (Dept. of Embedded Systems and Networks and Security Systems): Smart embedded components and systems, technologies for IoT; ENIS (Dept. of Department of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): Smart Embedded Components and Systems, Technologies for IoT, Smart Integrated Systems, Systems of Systems and Complex System Engineering ENET'Com (Department of Computer Enginnering) : Embedded Components and Systems, Smart-Grids, Medical Electronic; Center for Research in microelectronics & nanotechnology : Processes, Micro Nano Sensors and Systems; Digital Research Center of Sfax : medical electronics, sensors, Technologies of IoT, Embedded systems. |
Advanced Computing | ENSI (Dept. of Information Systems and Decision): Processor and system architecture, cloud computing; INSAT (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Mathematics): cloud computing, parallel computing and simulation software; SupCom (Dept. of Computer Science and Networks and Doctoral school of ICT): Processor and system architecture; ENIS (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): Processor and System Architecture, Interconnect and Data Localisation Tech, Parallel Computing and Simulation Software. Digital Research Center of Sfax : Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality ENSI (Dept. of Information Systems and Decision): Processor and system architecture, cloud computing; INSAT (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Mathematics): cloud computing, parallel computing and simulation software; SupCom (Dept. of Computer Science and Networks and Doctoral school of ICT): Processor and system architecture; ENIS (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): Processor and System Architecture, Interconnect and Data Localisation Tech, Parallel Computing and Simulation Software.
Digital Research Center of Sfax : Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Future Internet | SupCom (Dept. of Computer Science and Networks and Doctoral school of ICT): Networks, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust, Wireless Communication and All Optical Networks; ENSI (Dept. of Embedded Systems and Networks and Security Systems): Networks, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust, Wireless Communication and All Optical Networks, Immersive Interactive Multimedia ; ENIS (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): Networks, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust, Wireless Communication and All Optical Networks ; INSAT (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Mathematics): Networks, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Wireless Communications and All Optical Networks; ENIT (Dept. of ICT): Networks, Software and Services, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Wireless Communications and Optical Networks; University of Tunis (Higher School of Sciences and Techniques): Wireless communications, image and video processing, signal processing; ENIS (University of Sfax): Signal processing, Cloud computing, Wireless Communications; Digital Research Center of Sfax : Remote Sensing, Internet of Things, Wireless Communication, Information Centric Networks |
Content Technologies & Information Management | ENSI (Dept. of Information Systems and Decision): Technology-enhanced Learning, Content Access and Analytics; Big Data Technologies' Advanced Data Mining, Machine Learning; ENIS (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): Technology-enhanced Learning, Content Access and Analytics; Big Data Technologies' Advanced Data Mining, Machine Learning; University of Tunis (Higher School of Sciences and Techniques): Technology-enhanced Learning; Digital Research Center of Sfax : Big Data Analytics, machine Learning, Deep learning |
Robotics | ENSI (Dept. of Embedded Systems and Networks and Security Systems): Service Robotics, Advanced Interfaces; ENIS (Dept. of Electrical Engineering): Service Robotics, Advanced Interfaces; Digital Research Center of Sfax : medical robotics |
Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges | Institution, Relevant Dept and Research area |
Health | ENIS (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): eHealth; Self-management of health; improved diagnostics; health data collection; Active Aging, Independent and Assisted Living; Methods and Data; ; SupCom (Dept. of Applied Mathematics, Signals and Communications): eHealth; health data collection; ENSIT (Dept. of Electrical engineering and computer Sciences): eHealth; Self-management of health; Institut Pasteur de Tunis; Institut National de La Sante Publique; Digital Research Center of Sfax : Monitoring of Patient, Telemedecine, Medical Image Processing, Health Informatics, m-Health |
Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture | SupCom (Dept. of Applied Research): eSustainable Agriculture and Forestry;; INSAT (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Mathematics): Management of water resources in arid regions; ENIT (Dept of ICT): Management of water resources in arid regions.; Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de La Mer; Institution de La Recherche et de L'enseignement Superieur Agricoles Centre de Biotechnologie Borj Cedria; Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie; Ecole Nationale de Médecine Vétérinaire |
Energy | ENIS (Dept. of Electrical engineering): Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Low-Cost, New Knowledge and Technologies; SupCom (Dept. of Electronics, Physics and Propagation): Smart cities; Energy Efficient buildings; Smart electricity Grids;;ENSI (Dept. of Embedded Systems, Networks and Security Systems): Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Low-Cost, New Knowledge and Technologies; ENSIT (Dept. of Electrical engineering and computer Sciences): Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Low-Cost, New Knowledge and Technologies; Alternative Energy Systems SARL; Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de TunisDigital Research Center of Sfax : Smart-Grids, Smart-Cities ENIS (Dept. of Electrical engineering): Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Low-Cost, New Knowledge and Technologies; SupCom (Dept. of Electronics, Physics and Propagation): Smart cities; Energy Efficient buildings; Smart electricity Grids;;ENSI (Dept. of Embedded Systems, Networks and Security Systems): Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Low-Cost, New Knowledge and Technologies; ENSIT (Dept. of Electrical engineering and computer Sciences): Smart cities; Smart electricity Grids; Smart Metering; Low-Cost, New Knowledge and Technologies; Alternative Energy Systems SARL; Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Tunis
Digital Research Center of Sfax : Smart-Grids, Smart-Cities
Transport | ENSI (Dept. of Embedded Systems, Networks and Security Systems): Smart Transport Equipment, Infrastructures and Services; Innovative Transport Management Systems; ENIS (Dept. of Electrical engineering): Smart Transport Equipment, Infrastructures and Services; Innovative Transport Management Systems; ENSIT (Dept. of Electrical engineering and computer Sciences): Smart Transport Equipment, Infrastructures and Services; Innovative Transport Management Systems |
Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies | ENSI (Dept. of Information Systems and Decision): Digital Inclusion; Social Innovation Platforms, eGovernment Services, eSkills, eLearning, eCulture; ENIS (Dept. of Computer Sciences and Applied Mathematics): Digital Inclusion; Social Innovation Platforms, eGovernment Services, eSkills, eLearning, eCulture; ENSIT (Dept. of Electrical engineering and computer Sciences): Digital Inclusion; Social Innovation Platforms, eGovernment Services, eSkills, eLearning, eCulture; Université Virtuelle de Tunis : Technology-enhanced Learning |
Tunisia has a strong research base and track record having participated in more than 87 projects and securing over €13.4 million in research funding under FP7.
- INFRA, H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 - ARISE2 (RIA) - Centre National de la Cartographieet de la Teledetection
- H2020-SC5-2015-one-stage - GEO-CRADLE (CSA) - Centre D'etudes et de Recherches de telecommunications)
- H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 - MedReset ( RIA) - Faculte de Droit et des Sciences Politiques de Tunis
- H2020-WATER-2015-one-stage - WaterWorks2015 (ERA-NET-Cofund) - Institution de la Recherche et de L'enseignement Superieur Agricoles
- H2020-SFS-2015-2 - SALSA (RIA) - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie
- H2020-NMP-2015-two-stage - MIDES (IA) - Ecole Nationale D'ingenieurs de Gabes
- H2020-WATER-2015-two-stage - MADFORWATER (RIA) - Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis el Manar; Institut Superieur de Biotechnologie de Sidi Thabet
- H2020-WATER-2015-two-stage - FLOWERED (RIA) - Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel
- H2020-INT-INCO-2015 - 5TOI_4EWAS (CSA) - Chambre de Commerce et D Industrie du Centre; Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research; Agence Nationale de Protection de L'environnement
- H2020-SC5-2016-OneStageA - 4PRIMA (CSA) - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- H2020-ICT-2016-INT - IST-Africa 2016-2018 (CSA) - Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 - trans-making (MSCA-RISE) - Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 - IPM-4-Citrus (MSCA-RISE) - Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax - Cbs; Institut Pasteur de Tunis; Centre Technique des Agrumes; Wiki Start-Up; Les Laboratoires Medis
- H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016 - DARE (RIA) - Sfax University
- H2020-SFS-2016-2 - MedAID (RIA) - Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer
- H2020-SwafS-2016-1 - InSPIRES (RIA) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-BG-2016-2 -ODYSSEA (RIA) -Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas; Association Nationale de Développement Durable et de la Conservation de la Vie Sauvage
- H2020-EEN-GA-2017-2018-1 -H2020 WP2017-2018 (CSA) - Agence de Promotion de l'Industrie et de l'Innovation
- H2020-SFS-2016-2 -PALE -BLU (RIA) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-SEC-2016-2017-1 - PRACTICIES (RIA) - Associatio Forum des Sciences Sociales Appliquées ; Présidence du Gouvernement
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016 - CURE-XF (MSCA-RISE) - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie
- H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 - EUROLEISH-NET (MSCA-ITN-ETN) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 - TROPSENSE (MSCA-RISE) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 - MediHealth (MSCA-RISE) - Faculte des Sciences de Sfax
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 - EXANDAS (MSCA-RISE) - Centre De Biotechnologie De Sfax - Cbs
- H2020-SFS-2017-1 - ForestValue (ERA-NET-Cofund) - Institution de la Recherche et de L'enseignement Superieur Agricoles
- H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2016 - BITRECS (MSCA-COFUND-FP) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-SFS-2017-1 - AfriCultuReS (RIA) - Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel
- H2020-BG-2017-1 - CLAIM (IA) - Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer
- H2020-RUR-2017-1 - INCREdible (CSA) - Institut National de Recherches en Genie Rural, Eaux et Forets
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 - bTB-Test (MSCA-RISE) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-SC5-2017-OneStageB - WaterWorks2017 (ERA-NET-Cofund) - Institution de la Recherche et de L'enseignement Superieur Agricoles; Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 - EMERTOX (MSCA-RISE) - Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 - LeiSHield-MATI (MSCA-RISE) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-SFS-2017-2 - BRESOV (RIA) - Universite de Tunis el Manar
- H2020-RUR-2017-2 - LIVERUR (RIA) - Dar Margoum Ouedhref
- H2020-SwafS-2017-1 - R-I PEERS (CSA) - Agence Nationale de la Promotion de la Recherche Scientifique
- H2020-ECSEL-2017-2-RIA-two-stage - SECREDAS (ECSEL-RIA) - Ecole Nationale D'ingenieurs de Tunis; Ecole Superieure des Communications de Tunis
- H2020-LCE-2017-RES-IA - SUPER PV (IA) - Agence Nationale pour la Maitrise de L'energie
- H2020-SCC-NBS-2stage-2017 - EdiCitNet (IA) - Association Tunisienne de Developpement Durable: la Recherche en Action; Commune de Carthage
- H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning - PHINDaccess (CSA) - Institut Pasteur de Tunis
- H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning - FASTER (CSA) - Institution de la Recharge et de l'enseignement Superieur Agricoles, Institut National de Recherches en Genie Rural, Eaux et Forets, Agence de Vulgarisation et de la Formation Agricoles
- H2020-SPACE-2018 - S4Pro (RIA) - Ecole Nationale d'Ingenieurs de Gabes
Tunisia has a mature program of research in ICT topics involving a large number of institutions and research laboratories and post-graduation programmes that involve universities and ICT companies. A good indicator of this strong scientific activity is the number of scientific publications, international projects and patents issued by these research activities. Tunisia has a program of cooperation with several institutions in neighbouring countries, European countries, North American and other countries. This cooperation has facilitated the development of research projects that involves foreign research organizations and local and international companies. These activities have provided a forum for mutual knowledge of potential RDI operators of telecommunications networks, structures for ICT research, the major companies operating in the sector. Tunisia is positioning itself as a main regional hub for the Mediterranean region in ICT research and development activities. Tunisia supports structures for innovation and foreign partners to build relationships and partnerships and prepare for calls to RDI projects in ICT in Tunisia.