- eBusiness - Future forms of organisations, Technology and Applications
- eGovernment - Services to Citizens and Business, Organisational Transformation
- eHealth - Services to Citizens
- eLearning and ICT Skills
- ICT for Agriculture
- eAdoption and eInclusion - national, regional and sectoral case studies and policy issues
- Collaborative learning
- Culture and language - impact on eAdoption
- Digital Content & Digital Rights Management - issues, applications & technologies
- eDemocracy , eVoting, eParticipation
- Future Emerging Technologies
- GRID - issues, applications and technologies
- ICT for Development
- Interoperability and Standardisation
- Knowledge management and technologies
- Learning organizations
- Lifelong Learning
- Mobility - issues, applications & technologies
- Networked, Smart and Virtual Organisations
- Open Source Content
- Open Source Technologies and Applications
- Trust & Confidence
- ASP solutions - markets, threats, opportunities
- Best Practice Models - Lessons Learnt
- Digital Ecosystems for SMEs
- eMarketplaces and eProcurement
- Identity Management and Authentication
- Innovation & Technology Transfer
- Legal and Regulatory Challenges for IST
- Measuring and Benchmarking
- New Working Environments
- Opportunities created by Globalization
- Payment Systems
- Sectoral, Regional and International Developments
- Security and Privacy Enhancing Methods
- Semantic web - applications & case studies
- Success factors for deployment of eServices and recent experiences of deployment