IST-Africa 2025 Conference

May 2025

Online Submission

The conference language is English and submissions should be for technical or visionary papers, and business or government case studies within the scope of the Conference.

Full Papers (8 - 10 pages including references, c.4,000 words) using the IST-Africa Template must be registered on the conference portal by deadline of 18 October 2024.

Papers must present analysis of initial or final research results or a case study. General project descriptions are not appropriate. It is important to highlight actual or expected impact as well as the level of innovation.

It is necessary for papers submitted to include new elements that have not previously been published to warrant inclusion in the conference proceedings. Any visionary elements in paper should be supported by mini use cases to illustrate applicability.

Double Blind peer Review

As all papers will be double blind peer reviewed by the IST-Africa 2025 Programme Committee, please ensure that no contact details are provided within the text or Properties of the paper submitted. All author details should be submitted online in the Author List as part of the Submission Process - including the name and organisation for the author submitting the paper.

Upload in .doc format

Papers should be uploaded in .doc format. To convert a paper in .docx format to .doc format, please select "Save As" - select "Word 97 - 2003 Document (*.doc)" from the combo box and Save. The Word document should then be in .doc format.

Programme / Proceedings

Each presenter can present ONE paper in the Programme. It is necessary for papers to be physically presented by an author / co-author during the event to ensure inclusion in the Proceedings.

Please only submit papers for review where there are authors/co-authors who will complete registration if accepted for inclusion in the Programme and present the results. Please do not submit multiple papers for which there is only one author who can register.


Any elements of the paper previously published should be carefully referenced. Please ensure that all previously published author and third party content is appropriately referenced. All papers are checked for plagiarism prior to being assigned for review. Only full papers will be assigned for review.

Any use of content generated by Artificial Intelligence

Any use of content generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) (including but not limited to text, figures, images, and code) in the paper must be disclosed in the Acknowledgements section of the paper (including the specific AI tool used).

Resubmission of paper version prior to deadline

If you have already submitted a paper version and wish to update it prior to being submitted for review, please LOG IN and click RESUBMIT on your My Page. Please do not set up multiple records for the same paper.

Steps to Submit a Paper

1. Please ensure that your paper follows the Paper Guidelines provided and uses the IST-Africa Template . Convert the final paper version to .doc format.

2. All papers are double blind reviewed. Please ensure that there are no contact details within the text of your paper submission for review (Word document, .doc format), the properties of the file or the file name prior to uploading it onto the server.

3. If you have not previously registered on the IST-Africa portal, please click on New User and complete your contact details. The server will issue you with a username and password by e-mail to allow you to access your personal page.

4. Upon completion of your details, you will automatically be redirected to the paper submission form where you will enter your paper title, author / co-authors and the relevant classification (paper type and thematic classification).

5. If you have already registered, please login using your existing log in details (which can be retrieved via Password Reminder) and click Continue to submit the paper.

6. Upon successful upload of your paper, the server will issue an automated acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail and you will see the paper submitted via your My Page.

7. You can review the paper submitted via your personal page and update and resubmit it up to the deadline of 18 October 2024. Each submission receives a unique reference number.

Updated versions for a submission must be submitted by clicking on the RESUBMIT link beside the Paper link in the Paper Details section on your personal page after logging in. Previous versions of your paper are automatically overwritten when a new version is saved. Only the last version submitted before the deadline is reviewed. Please DO NOT submit multiple versions of the same paper as new records.

Please note that once a paper has been allocated to the Programme Committee for review, it is no longer possible to resubmit it.

8. Each presenter can present one paper in the Programme. It is necessary for papers to be physically presented during the event to ensure inclusion in the Proceedings.

9. Please only submit papers for review where there is an author / co-author who will register and present the paper if accepted for inclusion in the Programme. Please do not submit multiple papers for which there is only one author who can register.

10. Please note the Organising Committee will only communicate with the author who submitted the paper.