IST-Africa 2023 Conference

31 May - 02 June 2023, Tshwane, South Africa

IST-Africa 2023 Agenda

Updated: 2023-02-20 16:43:27

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change. The Final Programme will be published in March, following receipt of all final papers.

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Day 2: 01 June 2023

Session 5a: eHealth 3
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Chair: Trust Saidi, Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Session 5b: Technology-Enhanced Learning 1
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Chair: Nita Mennega, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Session 5c: Artificial Intelligence
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Chair: Namosha Veerasamy, CSIR, South Africa
AI in Higher Education: Have we been getting it wrong this whole time?
Bhekisipho Twala, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Embracing Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence: An AI Innovation and Capacity Development Ecosystem for South Africa
Deshen Moodley, University of Cape Town, South Africa
A Unified Approach to Managing the Data Privacy Risks of Artificial Intelligence
Nathan-Ross Adams, Michalsons, South Africa
Measuring the State of AI Development: A Key Step in Evidence-based Policy Development
Ntsibane Ntlatlapa, South African Affiliate C4IR Centre, South Africa
Session 5d: IST-Africa - Research Capacities and Priorities
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Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Coffee Break : Coffee Break & Networking
Session 6a: eGovernment 1
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Chair: Jeanette Morwane, Department of Communications and Digital Technology, South Africa
Session 6b: Technology-Enhanced Learning 2
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Chair: Mohamed Jmaiel, Association des Technologies de Santé, Tunisia
Session 6c: Environmental Sustainability & eAgriculture 1
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Chair: Ismael Limalia, Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency, Mauritius
Session 6d: Global Development
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Chair: Konanani Rashamuse, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Lunch : Lunch & Networking
Session 7a: Showcasing Success Stories of the SA-EU STI Cooperation
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Chair: Lindiwe Gama, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Session 7b: Technology-Enhanced Learning 3
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Chair: Ntsibane Ntlatlapa, South African Affiliate C4IR Centre, South Africa
Session 7c: Environmental Sustainability & eAgriculture 2
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Chair: Paula Musuva, United States International University - Africa, Kenya
Coffee Break : Coffee Break & Networking
Session 8a: eGovernment 2
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Chair: Nico Ntsimane, Department of Public Service and Administration, South Africa
Session 8b: Content Technologies
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Chair: Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Session 8c: eAgriculture 3
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Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Networking Cocktail, Hosted by the Science Diplomacy Capital for Africa

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change. The Final Programme will be published in March, following receipt of all final papers.

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To expand all sessions within this day, click here.
To print the full programme, click Printable Version