The conference language is English and submissions should be for technical or visionary papers, and business or government case studies within the scope of the Conference. Papers should be submitted online by extended deadline of 11 November 2022.
Papers must present analysis of initial or final research results or a case study. General project descriptions are not appropriate. It is important to highlight actual or expected impact as well as the level of innovation. Any elements of the paper previously published should be carefully referenced.
It is necessary for papers submitted to include new elements that have not previously been published to warrant inclusion in the conference proceedings. Any visionary elements in paper should be supported by mini use cases to illustrate applicability.
Each presenter can present ONE paper in the Programme. It is necessary for papers to be physically presented by an author / co-author during the event with live questions taken to ensure inclusion in the Proceedings.
Please only submit papers for review where there are authors/co-authors who will complete registration if accepted for inclusion in the Programme and present the results. Please do not submit multiple papers for which there is only one author who can register.
Full Papers (8 pages, c. 4,000 - 5,000 words) using the IST-Africa Template must be registered on the conference portal by extended deadline of 11 November 2022. All papers are checked for plagiarism prior to being assigned for review. Only full papers will be assigned for review.
Authors with provisionally accepted papers following the review process should log into My Page and click on icon for "Final Paper" in the paper block to submit the updated Final Paper in Word format (.doc Word 97 - 2003). Please ensure that the final paper is using the IST-Africa Template
Please send a Word document outlining the changes made in the final paper to after uploading the final paper via your My Page.