A distinguished International Programme Committee in the areas of eHealth, eInfrastructures, Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills, Digital Libraries and Intelligent Content, Living Labs, Open Source Software, ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility, ICT for Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability, eGovernment, Mobile Applications and Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation is currently being finalised to review and provide feedback on papers and presentations and chair sessions.
IST-Africa 2014 Programme Committee members confirmed to date include:
Paul Cunningham (Conference Chair) | IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd | Ireland |
Perienen Appavoo | Open University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Dr Vinaye Armoogum | School of Innovative Technology and Engineering, University of Technology | Mauritius |
Sheeba Armoogum | Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Dr Vandana Bassoo | Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Dr Pierre Catherine | School of Innovative Technology and Engineering, University of Technology | Mauritius |
Laurens Cloete | Meraka Institute, CSIR | South Africa |
Miriam Cunningham | IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd | Ireland |
Kim Davis | Research Council of Norway | Norway |
Razvi Doomun | Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Prof. Love Ekenberg | DSV, University of Stockholm | Sweden |
Ravi Foogooa | School of Innovative Technology and Engineering, University of Technology | Mauritius |
Dr David Gichoya | Moi University | Kenya |
Prof. Marlien Herselman | Living Labs of Southern Africa Network | South Africa |
Dr Mussawir Hosany | Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Dr. Mike Joy | University of Warwick | United Kingdom |
Dr. Bernhard R. Katzy | CeTIM | The Netherlands |
Kristiina Lahde | TANZICT Programme | Tanzania |
Assil Lotun | Mauritius | |
Gareth MacNaughton | CISCO | United Kingdom |
Dr Ayub Manya | Ministry of Health | Kenya |
Prof. Maurice Mars | University of KwaZulu-Natal | South Africa |
Girish Mautadin | Mauritius | |
Loi Mirembe Namugenyi | Uganda National Council for Science & Technology | Uganda |
Dr Sue Pendell | Colorado State University | United States |
Amreesh Phokeer | AFRICNIC | Mauritius |
Sameerchand Pudaruth | Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Matti Sinko | Finland | |
Bernard Stevenot | SpaceBel | Belgium |
Richard Stevens | Stevens Consultants | Italy |
Dr Geerish Suddul | School of Innovative Technology and Engineering, University of Technology | Mauritius |
Roopesh Sungkur | Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius | Mauritius |
Prof. Darelle Van Greunen | Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University/Computer Society of South Africa | South Africa |
Miriam Cunningham | IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd | Ireland |
Paul Cunningham | IIMC International Information Management Corporation Ltd | Ireland |
Dan Faugoo | National Computer Board | Mauritius |
Ismael Limalia | National Computer Board | Mauritius |