IST-Africa 2011 Conference & Exhibition

11 - 13 May 2011, Gaborone, Botswana


European research activities are structured around consecutive multi-annual programmes, or so-called Framework Programmes. FP7 sets out the priorities - including the ICT priority - for the period 2007-2013. ICT is fully open to international co-operation with the aim to join forces for addressing major challenges where significant added value is expected to be gained from a worldwide R&D cooperation.

In this context, the European Commission co-funded the IST-Africa Initiative in order to promote the participation of African organisations to the ICT programme.

IST-Africa 2011 is Hosted by the Government of Botswana through the Department of Research, Science and Technology.

Call for Sponsors

The IST-Africa 2011 Conference offers a variety of Sponsorship Opportunities to enhance your organisation's image & standing with the international IST research community demonstrating your commitment to reducing the Digital Divide in Sub-Saharan Africa and promoting greater research cooperation between Africa and Europe.

Prominent notice will be given to Sponsors on the Conference Portal, in the Exhibition area and in press releases together with other benefits and promotional opportunities.

Please contact the Conference Secretariat for further information.

Supported by

Hosted by

Major Sponsor

Technical Co-Sponsor