IST-Africa 2007 Conference & Exhibition

09 - 11 May 2007, Maputo, Mozambique

IST-Africa 2007 Agenda

Updated: 2007-05-29 11:47:59

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change. The Final Programme will be published in March, following receipt of all final papers.

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Day 3: 11 May 2007

Workshop 10a: Piloting Solutions for Reversing Brain Drain into Brain Gain for Africa
Chair: Martin Antony Walker, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain in Africa - the UNESCO-Hewlett Packard project
Juma Shabani, UNESCO, Zimbabwe
A Pilot Project to Reverse Brain Drain to Brain Gain in Africa
Martin Antony Walker, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
eInfrastructures - Experiences Gained in the Balkans and Ideas for Africa
Bernhard Fabianek, European Commission, Belgium
Role and Objectives of HP University Relations in Africa
Arnaud Pierson, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
Session 10b: Environmental Risk Management
Chair: Ralf Denzer, Environmental Informatics Group, Germany
Essential Features of a Flood Management Policy Framework
Avelino Mondlane, Stockholm University, Sweden
Using Principles of Ambient Mobile Intelligence for Environmental Spatial Data
Karel Charvat, WirelessInfo, Czech Republic
Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods to Natural Resource Management
Martin Paisley, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom
Session 10c: eAdoption & eInclusion - Addressing the Digital Divide
Chair: Paulo Maculuve, Banco de Moçambique, Mozambique
Novel Approaches in ICT Policy Regulation and Management: Lessening the Digital Divide
Kelvin Joseph Bwalya, University of Botswana, Botswana
Korea’s Efforts to Bridge the Digital Divide
Yeongi Son, Korean Agency for digital Opportunity and Promotion (KADO), South Korea
Portal/Portable Knowledge for Development: The Case of Sudan
Rafaa Ashamallah Ghobrial Morgos, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sudan
It’s Not (Only) About Technology - Success Factors in ICT4D Projects
Nikos Nikolidakis, ICT4D Consulting, Germany
Improving Usability and Accessibility
Nigel Bevan, Professional Usability Services, United Kingdom
Workshop 10d: Community-owned Wireless Networks
Chair: Chris Morris, Internet Society, South Africa
First Mile, First Inch
Chris Morris, Internet Society, South Africa
Homebrew Antenna: Community Access to Technology
Constantino Sotomane, MICTI, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Challenges and Experiences in Developing Sustainable Models for Rural Communications
Jamo Macanze, MICTI - Mozambique Information and Communication Technology, Mozambique
A Case Study: Shared Connectivity Between Schools in Inhambane
Kauxique Maganlal, Ministry of Education and Culture, Mozambique
Affordable Telephone Service with Internet for Rural Communities in Sub Saharan Africa
Mika Skarp, Nokia, Finland
Coffee Break: Exhibition & Networking
Session 11a: Trust & Security
Chair: Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
ICT Trust, Security and Dependability Research Strategy beyond 2010
James Clarke, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Operationalisation of ICT Security Policy, Services and Mechanisms in an Organisation
Jabiri Kuwe Bakari, Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden
Trust and Confidence for E/M-Commerce Transactions in African States: A Paradigm Shift
Kelvin Joseph Bwalya, University of Botswana, Botswana
Safeguarding the Research Infrastructure for Globalised Research Partnerships: Best Practice on How to Set-up a CERT
Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
Workshop 11b: ICT for Environment and Security in Africa
Chair: Bernard Stevenot, SPACEBEL, Belgium
Co-Chair: Ralf Denzer, Environmental Informatics Group, Germany
Architecture and Standards for the Dissemination of Geospatial Services
Jérôme Mandin, SPACEBEL, Belgium
Implementation of a Regional Environmental and Security Portal in Dakar
Malick Diagne, Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal
Sensors Anywhere (SANY) - An Integrated European Project
Gerald Schimak, Austrian Research Center GmbH - ARC, Austria
Infrastructures for Risk Management and Environmental Monitoring
Ralf Denzer, Environmental Informatics Group, Germany
Workshop 11c: Active Age
Chair: Richard Ennals, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Learning from Others within the Landscape of 'Transitional Economies' and the Challenge in ICT Development for African Countries
Thomas Odamtten, Steppingstones Limited, United Kingdom
eRedesigning of Society: Towards Experiential Connectivity of Generations in Lithuania
Richard Ennals, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Overview of MPOWER: Middleware Platform for the Cognitively Impaired and Elderly
Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Global Information Technology and Global Citizenship Education
Richard Ennals, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Workshop 11d: Tools and Methods in North/South Partnership for Research
Chair: Bernard Philippe, INRIA/IRISA, France
Co-Chair: Mohamed Jaoua, University of Nice, France
High Performance Computing in Africa: Experience and Projects within the CARI Network
Emmanuel Kamgnia, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
A Grid Based Environment for SARIMA and other North-African projects
Mokhtar Sellami, University Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria
Sharing Scientific Development to Face a Common Future
Mohamed Jaoua, University of Nice, France
Lunch: Exhibition & Networking
Closing Plenary 12a
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Science in Service of Society: A Need for Establishing Sustainable Research and Innovation Infrastructure in Africa
Sospeter Muhongo, International Council for Science, Regional Office for Africa, South Africa
Adapting and Exploiting ICT Research Results to Achieve Sustainable Economic Impact in Africa
Lidia Brito, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Mozambique Development Marketplace: Competition for Innovative Ideas
Isabel Neto, The World Bank Group, Mozambique
Tech/Na! – The ICTs in Education Initiative – An Holistic “Orange Revolution” for Namibia
Johan van Wyk, Ministry of Education, Namibia
Best Paper Award & Best Demonstration Stand Award

Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Eng.Venâncio Massingue, Honourable Minister of Science & Technology, Mozambique

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change. The Final Programme will be published in March, following receipt of all final papers.

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