IST-Africa 2011 Agenda

Updated: 2011-06-22 08:58:35

Day 1: 11 May 2011

Registration : Registration
Opening Plenary 1a: Opening Plenary
Welcome Remarks
Mr Nkatla C. Morupisi, Ministry of Infrastructure Science and Technology, Botswana
Official Opening Speech
Honourable Johnie K. Swartz, Minister of Infrastructure Science and Technology, Botswana
AUC Address
Ahmed Hamdy, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
8th Africa-EU Strategic Partnership (Science, Information Society, Space)
Luis Magalhães, Co-chair 8th Africa-EU Strategic Partnership, Portugal
Vote of Thanks
Mr Mabua L. Mabua, Ministry of Transport and Communication, Botswana
Coffee Break : Networking and Exhibition
Plenary Session 2a: High-level Round Table on the Implementation of the Africa-EU Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Keynote Address
Zoran Stancic, European Commission, Belgium
Panel Participants include

Mr Nkatla C. Morupisi, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure Science and Technology

Mr Mabua L. Mabua, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Communication

Mr Zoran Stancic, Deputy DG, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission

Dr Ahmed Hamdy, Deputy Director, HRST, African Union Commission

Prof Luis Magalhães, President, UMIC, Portugal, European Chair of the Africa-EU 8th Partnership

Dr Hannes Toivanen, VTT, Finland, European Co-Chair Information Society, Africa-EU 8th Partnership

Dr Tomaz Augusto Salomão, Executive Secretary, SADC (tbc)

Ilari Lindy, Global Information & Communication Technologies, The World Bank Group

Jose Vieira Couceiro, Chief Executive Officer, Mascom, Botswana

Mr Pele Moleta, Chief Executive Officer, BotswanaPost

Mr John Connell, Education Business Development Manager, CISCO

Michelle Makaroff, Co-chair, Europe Africa Business Forum ICT Working Group

Lunch : Lunch
Session 3a: eInfrastructures
Chair: Joseph Chuma, University of Botswana, Botswana
Capacity Building for HPC Infrastructure Setup in Africa: The ICTP Experience
Sebsibe Hailemariam Dadi, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
Status of Interconnection and Traffic Exchange in Africa
Chris Morris, Internet Society, South Africa
Seven Characteristics of a Successful Virtual Volunteering Platform
Laurie Butgereit, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Critical Infrastructure Security Modelling and RESCI-MONITOR: A Risk Based Critical Infrastructure Model
Thomas Schaberreiter, Centre de Recherche Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg
The Corporate Incident Response Framework (CIRF)
Theron Pieterse, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Session 3b: 8th Africa-EU Partnership - Information Society Implementation Group I
Introductory Remarks - Objectives

Implementation status of the Action Plan 2008-2010 Flagship Initiatives

Objectives of the Action plan 2011-2013

Financial Resources Mobilization

- European Development Fund

- EU-Africa Infrastructures Trust Fund

- National Funding / Financial Institutions

eTransformation Trust Fund
Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
InfoDEV Programme
Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
Workshop 3c: African IPv6 Deployment Roadmap
Chair: Latif Ladid, SnT University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Co-Chair: Jacques Babot, -, Belgium
Action Plan for the Deployment of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) in Africa

Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum

Jacques Babot, European Commission

Adiel Akplogan, CEO, AFRINIC

IPv6 Deployment
Axel Clauberg, Cisco Systems, Germany
Session 3d: Digital Libraries and Intelligent Content
Chair: Sue Pendell, Colorado State University , United States
University Research Funding and Information Management System - Improving and Enhancing Research at University of Botswana
Clement Matasane, University of Botswana, Botswana
Instrumenting and Monitoring the LarKC Reasearch Infrastructure
Ioan Toma, STI Innsbruck , Austria
Promoting Widespread Diffusion of ICTs to Speed up Achievements of the MDGs in Africa: a Case for the MDG 2 in Uganda
Wilson OKaka, Kyambogo University, Uganda
Design of Workflow Management system for Department of Information Services
Kebonye Timpa, Botswana Government, Botswana
Workshop 3e: Living Labs - Experiences from ENOLL
Chair: Alvaro Oliveira, Alfamicro, Lda, Portugal
Panel Members include

Alvaro Olivier, ENoLL/Alfamicro Lda, Portugal

Daan Velthausz, Amsterdam Innovation Motor, Netherlands

Aaron Ciaghi, Foundazione Bruno Kessle, Italy

Tuija Hirvikoski, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland (tbc)

Session 3f: eGovernment - Issues and Case Studies
Chair: Vasilis Koulolias, eGovlab, Sweden
Challenges of e-Government in African Countries: Creating an Enabling Environment in Nigeria
Rudrappan Dhamodharam, COVENANT UNIVERSITY,OTA,Ogun state,Nigeria, Nigeria
Developing a Model for Information Society and Development at a Provincial Level in South Africa
Rodwyn Grewan, Provincial Information Society Strategy Programme, South Africa
The Analogy of Data within eGovernment Interoperable Ecosystem (AD-eGIE): Utilising Sectorial Information
Jameson Mbale, University of Namibia, Namibia
Semantic-Driven eGovernment: A Case Study of Formal Representation of Government Domain Ontology
Jean Vincent Fonou Dombeu, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa
Lessons from Monitoring and Assessing EC-funded eParticipation Projects: Citizen Engagement and Participation Impact
Melanie Bicking, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Coffee Break : Coffee Break
Workshop 4a: The Brain Gain Initiative – Next Steps towards an African e-Infrastructure for Education and Research
Chair: Luc Rukingama, UNESCO Office in Harare, Zimbabwe
Luc Rukingama, UNESCO Office in Harare, Zimbabwe
UNESCO/HP Brain Gain Initiative – Looking Ahead: Beyond UNESCO/HP Funding
Marc Bellon, UNESCO/HP Brain Gain Initiative, France
Grid Computing as a Driving Force for E-learning and Open Education Resources in Africa
Simon Karume, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya
Brain Gain and Brain Circulation in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
Achuo Enow, International Council for Science, Regional Office for Africa, South Africa
The South African National Grid: Blueprint, Impact and Perspectives for African Research
Bruce Becker, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
CHAIN and EPIKH: Policy and Training Coordination in Grid Infrastructures
Valeria Ardizzone, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sez. Catania, Italy
Session 4b: 8th Africa-EU Partnership - Information Society Implementation Group II
Action Plan 2011-2013 Implementation Roadmap

Support to ICT Policy and Regulatory Reforms / Scaling-up the HIPSSA Initiative
Jean Francois Le Bihan, ITU, Ethiopia
African RECs: Report on ICT Regional Initiatives and Strategies

ICT Regional Programmes - IGAD
Simon Mbugua, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Djibouti
ICT Regional Programmes - UEMOA
Bernard OUEDRAOGO, Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA), Burkina Faso
Session 4c: Mobile Applications
Chair: Laurens Cloete, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Multiuser Wireless Networks
Sheila Mugala, Makerere University, Uganda
Crest Factor Reduction of an OFDM/WiMAX Network
Sheila Mugala, Makerere University, Uganda
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS)
Dimov Stojce Ilcev, Durban University of Technology, South Africa
Session 4d: Open Source Software - Applications and Case Studies
Chair: Maxwell Otim, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Uganda
An e-Government application using Open Source Software
Massimo Squillace, Sogei, Italy
UNAM Event Notification System
Ashraf Ghania, University of Namibia, Namibia
Importance of Open Source Software for Development of ICT in Burundi
Melchicedec Nduwayo, Martin Luther King University, Burundi
Session 4e: Living Labs - Case Studies
Chair: Kristiina Lahde, Saliens Ltd, Finland
Living Lab: A potential Change Catalyst for Development in Nongoma
Bethel Mutanga, Mangosuthu University, South Africa
Deploying Mobile Rural Living Lab in Nongoma
Zamandlela Ndlela, University of Zululand, South Africa
Stimulating Development through Transnational Living Labs: the Italo-Mozambican Vision
Aaron Ciaghi, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
Formalising Living Labs to Achieve Organisational Objectives in Emerging Economies
Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Towards a Mobile eProcurement System for Small Scale Retailers in Rural South Africa
Winnie Kandie, SAP Research , South Africa
Session 4f: eGovernment Developments in East Africa
Chair: Enock Mpenzwa, Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology, Tanzania
Assessment of Public Services e-Government Initiatives: A Case Study of Tanzania
Grace Mbwete, Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania
eGovernment for Development: Implementation Challenges of Uganda’s National Backbone Infrastructure Project and Key Lessons
Justine Juliet Ssempebwa, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, Uganda
Survey on Local Software Development for eGovernment of Uganda with A Focus on e-Health Applications
Nabbanja Teddy, Kampala International University, Uganda
Proposed ICT-Enabled Services Model for Local Authorities in Kenya
Dennis Ochieng', Moi University, Kenya
End of Parallel Sessions
Reception : Networking Reception

Day 2: 12 May 2011

Workshop 5a: African REN I: Setting the Stage – the State of Research and Education Networking in Africa
Chair: Ahmed Hamdy, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
Association of African Universities
Boubakar Barry, WACREN, Senegal
Cathrin Stover , DANTE , United Kingdom
UbuntuNet Alliance
Francis Tusubira, UbuntuNet Alliance, Uganda
Nii Quaynor, WACREN, Ghana
eInfrastructures and International Collaboration - State of Play
Kostas Glinos, European Commission, Belgium
Collaboration without Frontiers
Axel Clauberg, Cisco Systems, Germany
Session 5b: 8th Africa-EU Partnership - Information Society Implementation Group III
Action Plan 2011-2013 Implementation Roadmap

- Public-private Partnerships; Interaction with the EU-Africa Business Forum

EABF Exchange on Financing Mechanisms
Christine Leurquin, EU Africa Business Forum, Belgium
ICT Working Group Recommendations
Christine Leurquin, EU Africa Business Forum, Belgium
EU-Africa Business Forum ICT Working Group
Michelle Makaroff, EU Africa Business Forum, Belgium
Learn Today Work Tomorrow
Michelle Makaroff, EU Africa Business Forum, Belgium
- Sharing of ICT Best Practices; Stocktaking of Successful Deployments

Chair: Basie von Solms, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Welcome Address
Jackie Phahlamohlaka , CSIR, South Africa
Opening Address
Basie von Solms, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
A Framework for an African Policy Towards Creating Cyber Security Awareness

A Cyber Security Awareness Toolkit for National Security: An Approach to South Africa’s Cyber Security Policy Implementation
Jackie Phahlamohlaka , CSIR, South Africa
Workshop 5d: mHealth in Botswana
Chair: Faisal M. Fadlelmola, University of Botswana, Botswana
Use of Mobile Learning by Physician Trainees
Dineo Ketshogileng, University of Botswana, Botswana
Welcome & Introduction
Ryan Littman-Quinn, Botswana-UPenn Partnership, Botswana
Specialist Access
Neo Mogogi Mohutsiwa-Dibe, Botswana Government, Botswana
Public Health and Epidemiology
Allison Tatarsky, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Botswana
Patient-centered SMS Services
Katy Digovich, Positive Innovation for the Next Generation (PING), Botswana
Conclusion and General Discussion
Ryan Littman-Quinn, Botswana-UPenn Partnership, Botswana
Session 5e: Technology Enhanced Learning & ICT Skills
Chair: Love Ekenberg, Stockholm University , Sweden
An Analysis of the State and Prospects of e-Learning in Developing Countries
Matti Tedre, Stockholm University, Sweden
Maximising Return on Investment in I.T. Training - An African Perspective
Peter Denny, University of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
The Perception of the Role of IS in an Emerging Country: The Case of Botswana
Yirsaw Ayalew, University of Botswana, Botswana
Workshop 5f: Africa4All – Leveraging ICT in African Parliaments
Chair: Vasilis Koulolias, eGovlab, Sweden
Africa4All Parliamentary Initiative
Vasilis Koulolias, eGovlab, Sweden

Coffee Break : Coffee Break
Workshop 6a: African REN II: Creating Synergy among the Initiatives Supporting research and Education Networking in Africa
Chair: Francis Tusubira, UbuntuNet Alliance, Uganda
Moderated Panel Discussion Focused on Presentation of Activities Being Undertaken and Opportunities for Synergy

Initiatives Supported by IDRC
Khaled Fourati, IDRC, South Africa
European Initiatives Supporting Research and Education Networking in Africa
Leonardo Flores, European Commission, Belgium
World Bank Initiatives – Peter Materu (tbc)

American Foundations Supported Initiatives
Andrea Johnson, Carnegie Corporation of New York, United States
Session 6b: 8th Africa-EU Partnership - Information Society Implementation Group IV
Action Plan 2011-2013 Implementation Roadmap

- e-Skills, Digital Literacy Programmes + Scaling-up the ALICT Programme

Czech Educational and Scientific Network
Jaroslav HRB, CESNET, z.s.p.o., Czech Republic
ECDL Foundation
Daniel Palmer, ECDL Foundation, Singapore
- Promotion of Digital Content

Chair: Marthie Grobler, CSIR, South Africa
The South African Cyber Security Awareness Month (SACSAM)
Basie von Solms, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Cyber Security Curriculum for South African Schools

A Cyber Security Portal for South Africa
Johan van Niekerk, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University , South Africa
Session 6d: eHealth - Issues and Applications
Chair: Maurice Mars, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Federated EHR: How to Improve Data Quality Maintaining Privacy
Tefo James Toai, GPI SpA, Italy
VITA: A Paperless Hospital Suite
James Katende, Botswana International University of Science & Technology, Botswana
Automating Remote Monitoring and Information Therapy: An Opportunity to Practice Telemedicine in Developing Countries
Juha Puustjärvi, University of Helsinki, Finland
Session 6e: Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills II
Chair: John Connell, CISCO, United Kingdom
Stop Words for "Dr Math"
Laurie Butgereit, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Assessing the Use of Blackboard for Course Delivery in an Engineering Programme
Tunde Oladiran, University of Botswana, Botswana
MERLINGO - the Adaptation and Accessible Distribution of Study Materials on the Basis of Rich-Media for the Support of the Learning Process in Students with Special Needs
Ivo Martiník, Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Exposing Knowledge in Speech: Monitoring Conceptual Development in Spoken Conversation
Ruben Lagatie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Session 6f: ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility - Case Studies
Chair: Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
"SignOn", A Model for Teaching Written Language to Deaf People
Franz Dotter, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
What IT Professionals Should Know About IT Work in Developing Countries
Matti Tedre, Stockholm University, Sweden
Botswana Case Study Role of ICT in Graduation from a Least Developed Country to a Developed Country
Arindam Bose, Cyber Media (India) Ltd, Botswana
Challenges and Proposed Solutions Towards Telecentre Sustainability: A Southern Africa Case Study
Mbuyu Sumbwanyambe, University of South Africa, South Africa
Lunch : Lunch
Workshop 7a: African REN III: Creating and Strengthening Global Strategic Alliances
Chair: Kostas Glinos, European Commission, Belgium
Co-Chair: Duncan Martin, UbuntuNet Alliance, South Africa
Presentations will Focus on Opportunities for Working with Emerging African Regional RENs

Cathrin Stover , DANTE , United Kingdom
Gustavo Garcia, Cooperación Latinoamericana de Redes Avanzadas (CLARA), Chile
Mario Reale, Consortium GARR, Italy
UbuntuNet Alliance
Tiwonge Msulira Banda, UbuntuNet Alliance, Malawi
EC on Broadband and Science
Leonardo Flores, European Commission, Belgium
IPv6 Labs and Test Centers in Africa
Olivier Dupont, CISCO, France
Session 7b: 8th Africa-EU Partnership - Information Society Implementation Group V
Action Plan 2011-2013 Implementation Roadmap

- e-Applications in the Health and Education Sectors + full implementation of the African Virtual Campus project

African Virtual Campus
Mohamed Miloudi, UNESCO, France
- ICT Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship / Cooperation on Living Labs/ Implementation of the AYIN project

Chair: Rossouw Von Solms, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
Cyber Awareness Initiatives in South Africa: A National Perspective
Marthie Grobler, CSIR, South Africa
A Framework to Implement a National Cyber Security Structure for Developing Nations
Ian Ellefsen, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Design of a Cyber Security Awareness Campaign for Internet Cafe Users in Rural Areas
William Aubrey Labuschagne, CSIR, South Africa
Session 7d: eHealth - Issues and Applications II
Chair: Sheddan Masupe, University of Botswana, Botswana
A Framework for Cell Phone Based Diagnosis and Management of Priority Tropical Diseases
Faith-Michael Uzoka, Mount Royal University, Canada
Telemedicine in Botswana
Resego Morakanyane, University of Botswana, Botswana
Cost Benefit of Using the SIMpill Electronic Treatment Adherence System to Support Tuberculosis Patients
Sean Broomhead, Greenfield Management Solutions, South Africa
eHealth for African Countries – Sustainable Strategies
Tom Jones, TanJent, United Kingdom
Session 7e: Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills in East Africa
Chair: Almamy Konte, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, des Universités et des Centres Universitaires Régionaux et de la Recherche Scientifique, Senegal
From Learning Technology to Learning with Technology: e-Learning Resource Centre for Quality Teacher Training in Burundi
Spès Nibafasha, Ecole Normale Supériure, Burundi
Inter-University Workshop for the Promotion of ICT in Burundi.
Oscar Irambona, Universite Grands Lacs, Burundi
The Integration of E-learning in Burundian Education System for Teaching ICT skills to Rural Marginalized Students
Hilaire Nkunzimana, University of Burundi, Burundi
Bagamoyo Caravan: Pervasive Learning Game for a Tanzanian Museum
Teemu H. Laine, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Session 7f: ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility - Case Studies
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
The Socio-Economic Landscape of a Rural Community – A View of Rietfontein
Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
The Potential of ICTs to Empower Rural Women
Meera Joseph, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Mobi-Incubation User Experience for Rural Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies
Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Coffee Break : Coffee Break
Workshop 8a: African REN IV: Intra-African Research and Education Collaboration
Chair: Bjorn Pehrson, KTH, Sweden
Co-Chair: Leonardo Flores, European Commission, Belgium
Usage of ICT Infrastructure for Intra-African Research and Education Collaboration

Overview of the African Union Research and Education Agenda
Moses Bayingana, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
Intra-African Research and Education Collaboration
Boubakar Barry, WACREN, Senegal
Ideas from the Audience on Support Actions related to e-Infrastructures Development in Africa

Roundtable Discussion: What have we learnt and what shall we therefore do?

Session 8b: 8th Africa-EU Partnership - Information Society Implementation Group VI
Action Plan 2011-2013 Implementation Roadmap

- Research and Education Networking / AfricaConnect

List of Actions - Next Steps

Chair: Joey Jansen van Vuuren, CSIR, South Africa
A Framework for Implementing a Cyber Security Awareness Programme for Internet Users
Elmarie Kritzinger, UNISA, South Africa
The Cyber Security Awareness Workbook
Elmarie Kritzinger, UNISA, South Africa
Session 8d: eHealth - Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, -, Italy
The Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Computerized Clinic Patient Management and Clinician Order Entry Systems in a PMTCT Clinic in Uganda
Michael Kavuma, Management Sciences for Health, Uganda
Health Information Systems Integration in Tanzania: Tapping the Contextual Advantages
Masoud Mahundi, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Evaluating ICT Potential for Improving Health Information Quality in Africa
Kseniya Khovanova-Rubicondo, Ashburn Foundation, Luxembourg
Session 8e: Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills IV
Chair: Loi Namugenyi, Uganda National Council for Science & Technology, Uganda
tactusLogic: Programming Using Physical Objects
Andrew Cyrus Smith, CSIR, South Africa
An Intelligent Fractions Learning System: Implementation
Andrew Cyrus Smith, CSIR, South Africa
Technology enhanced distance learning: designing with
Gomang Seratwa Ntloedibe-Kuswani, University of Botswana, Botswana
Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation: How Limkokwing University (Botswana) Implements Technology Enhanced Learning
Tapson Mlambo, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology- Botswana, Botswana
Session 8f: ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility - Issues
Chair: Raphael Mmasi, COSTECH, Tanzania
Achieving e-Inclusion: Building an African Digital Agenda
Daniel Palmer, ECDL Foundation, Singapore
AAL for Supporting Elderly
Matjaz Gams, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Admixture Practises in South African Languages: Impact on Speech-Enabled Technology Design
Tembalethu Ndwe, Rhodes Univeristy, South Africa

Day 3: 13 May 2011

Workshop 9a: eInfrastructures and the Sensor Web for Earth Observation and Simulation
Chair: Ingo Simonis, iGSI GmbH, Germany
Co-Chair: Anwar Vahed, CSIR, South Africa
OpenSensors: A Community Platform to Enable the Sensor Web and Foster Earth Observation Research
Stefanie Andrae, Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria
Earth Observation and Environmental Modelling for the Mitigation of Health Risks such as Cholera, Cardio-Vascular and Respiratory Diseases
Ingo Simonis, iGSI GmbH, Germany
eInfrastructures for Disaster Risk Assessment
Anwar Vahed, CSIR, South Africa
Illustrating the Role of e-Infrastructures when Studying Cholera Dynamics
Ingo Simonis, iGSI GmbH, Germany
Massive Climate Data Sets in eInfrastructures
Francois Engelbrecht, CSIR, South Africa
Sensor Web
Simon Jirka, 52North, Germany
Workshop 9b: IST-Africa - Linking European and African Researchers I
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
EU - Africa Research Cooperation Opportunities
Kostas Glinos, European Commission, Belgium
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Botswana
Oabona Monngakgotla, Ministry of Infrastructure, Science and Technology, Botswana
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Mauritius
Vikash Heeralaul, National Computer Board, Mauritius
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Mozambique
Zauria Saifodine, National Institute for ICT, Mozambique
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Namibia
Florence Kavirindi, Ministry of Education, Namibia
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Lesotho
Lefa Thamae, Department of Science and Technology, Lesotho
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in South Africa
Itumeleng Phogojane, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa
Workshop 9c: Networked Enterprises: Potential and Opportunities for Businesses in Africa
Chair: Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom
The Evolution and Key Findings of Networked Enterprises in European Research
Man-Sze Li, IC Focus, United Kingdom
Business Model Developments, Innovation and the Bottom of the Pyramid
Peter Lindgren, Aalborg University, Denmark
Networked Enterprises: A Case Study in Regional Healthcare
Andrew Faughy, VEN, United Kingdom
Enterprise Systems in the Internet of Things
Markus Eisenhauer, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (FIT), Germany
Discussion - Networked Enterprises: relevance and opportunity for Africa

Session 9d: Rural Innovation Systems
Chair: Eric Mwangi, Ministry of Education, Kenya
Mobile Banking as a Means to Provide Access to Financial Services
José Luis Gómez Barroso, UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain
Vision of the Farm of Tomorrow
Karel Charvat, WirelessInfo, Czech Republic
VLITE NODE – Solution for Precision Farming
Karel Charvat, WirelessInfo, Czech Republic
Session 9e: Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation
Chair: Kim Davis, Research Council of Norway, Norway
Voices: Voice-based ICT Services for Underprivileged Communities
Stephane Boyera, Web Foundation, France
Building a Participatory Geographic Information System to Support Community Initiated Local Livelihoods
Mulalu Innocent Mulalu, University of Botswana, Botswana
Challenges in Transferring European Business and Technology Models to the Developing Southern African Regions
Margherita Forcolin, Insiel S.p.A., Italy
Designing Pilot Micro Finance Information Dissemination Centres for the Eastern Cape: A Process Report
Annatjie Erasmus, AWE Business Process Engineering, South Africa
Crucial Considerations in One-to-One Computing in Developing Countries
Henrik Hansson, Stockholm University, Sweden
Coffee Break : Coffee Break
Session 10a: Cloud Computing
Chair: Fisseha Mekuria, CSIR, South Africa
Cloud Computing as an Emerging Technology and its Associated Ethical Issues: Experiences that may be shared between Europe and Africa
Kutoma J. Wakunuma, De Montfort University, United Kingdom
Improving the Capacity, Reliability & Life of Mobile Devices with Cloud Computing
Fisseha Mekuria, CSIR, South Africa
A Case Analysis of Factors Affecting the Adoption of Grid Technology by Universities
Faith-Michael Uzoka, Mount Royal University, Canada
A Web-Portal for Accessing Services by SMMEs in South Africa: A Mashup Prototype
Ernest Ngassam, SAP Research IA&S Africa, South Africa
Workshop 10b: IST-Africa - Linking European and African Researchers II
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Egypt
Effat El Shooky, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Egypt
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Senegal
Almamy Konte, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, des Universités et des Centres Universitaires Régionaux et de la Recherche Scientifique, Senegal
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Cameroon
Njei Check, National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC), Cameroon
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Kenya
Jacob Njagih, Ministry of Education, Kenya
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Burundi
Augustin Nsabiyumva, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Burundi
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Tanzania
Raphael Mmasi, COSTECH, Tanzania
ICT Initiatives and Research Capacity in Uganda
Loi Namugenyi, Uganda National Council for Science & Technology, Uganda
EuroAfrica-ICT - Preliminary Results from ICT Research Priorities Study
Karine Valin, Sigma Orionis, France
Session 10c: RFID and Networked Enterprise
Chair: Laurens Cloete, University of Pretoria, South Africa
The Internet of Things – Promise for the Future? An Introduction
Louis Coetzee, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
Beachcomber: Linking the "Internet of Things" to the "Internet of People"
Laurie Butgereit, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Initial Study on the Usage of Social Networks Marketing by Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in South Africa: A Review of some SMEs in Cape Town
Mayowa Mulero, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa
RFID in Botswana
Bathopi Luke, Botswana Telecommunications Authority, Botswana
Session 10d: ICT for Environmental Risk Management
Chair: Bernard Stevenot, SPACEBEL, Belgium
The Development and Implementation of eLog Technology for the Local and International Fishing Industry
Amos Barkai, Olrac, South Africa
Social Space for Geospatial Information
Premysl Vohnout, Czech Centre for Science and Society, Czech Republic
ICT for Automated Forecasting of Electrical Power Consumption: A Case Study in Maputo
Constantino Sotomane, MCTES, Mozambique
Lunch : Lunch
Closing Plenary 11a: Initiatives Supporting Development of Regional ICT and STI
Strengthening African - European Cooperation in ICT
Thierry Devars, European Commission, Belgium
Strengthening African - European Cooperation in S&T
Fadila Boughanemi, European Commission, Belgium
Bridging Africa and Europe with the Information Society
Ana Cristina Neves, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Portugal
Health Initiatives in Botswana
O Mokopakgosi, Ministry of Health, Botswana
Improved Service Delivery through the Use of ICT Applications
Lucky T. Moahi , Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs, Botswana
Challenges of Information Communication Technology
Chino Monyatsiwa, Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana
ICT at the University of Botswana
George O. Anderson, University of Botswana, Botswana
Botswana Innovation Hub
Budzanani Tacheba, Botswana Innovation Hub, Botswana
Honourable Frank Ramsden, Minister of Transport and Communication, Botswana
Formal Closing
Honourable Frank Ramsden, Minister of Transport and Communication, Botswana