IST-Africa 2007 Conference & Exhibition

09 - 11 May 2007, Maputo, Mozambique

IST-Africa 2007 Agenda

Updated: 2007-05-29 11:47:59

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change. The Final Programme will be published in March, following receipt of all final papers.

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Day 1: 09 May 2007

Registration & Coffee
Opening Plenary 1a
Chair: Salomão Manhiça, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique
Mozambique Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy - ICT the Enabling Technology
Prof. Dr. Eng.Venâncio Massingue, Honourable Minister of Science & Technology, Mozambique
The Impact of ICT Application and Research on Development in Botswana
Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi, Honourable Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Botswana
ICT Research Innovation in Zimbabwe and Opportunities for Cooperation with the EU
Olivia Muchena, Honourable Minister of Science and Technology Development, Zimbabwe
ICT Research Innovation in Tanzania and Opportunities to Co-operate with the EU
Peter Msolla, Honourable Minister for Communications, Science and Technology, Tanzania
ICT Challenges to Enhance Socio-Economic Development and Regional Integration within SADC
Tomaz Salomão, Executive Secretary, Southern African Development Community (SADC), Botswana
EU-Africa Cooperation Perspectives in the ICT Sector
Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission, Belgium
Partnering to bring down the walls of Digital Divide
Phil Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Supporting the ICT Research Community in the SADC Region
Markku Kauppinen, Ambassador of the Embassy of Finland, Mozambique
Partnering for Better Health
Pascoal Mocumbi, European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership, Netherlands
Coffee Break: Exhibition & Networking
Opening Plenary 2a
ICT Programme: International Cooperation Opportunities
Thierry Devars, European Commission, Belgium
IST-Africa Initiative
Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Lunch: Exhibition & Networking
Session 3a: Networked Business for SMEs
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Integrated Design of Technology-Based Marketplaces for Agriculture in Developing Countries
Mira Slavova, Leeds University Business School, United Kingdom
Innovative, Agricultural Telediagnosis Services for Rural Areas
Manolis Stratakis, Innobatics, Greece
A Framework to Provide eBusiness Support for African SMEs
Tom Kirkham, CCLRC, United Kingdom
Risk Issues of Free, Open Source Software in Financially Restricted Scenarios
Antão Moura, UFCG, Brazil
A Research Agenda for the Application of ICT to Enhance the Success of SMMEs in Emerging Economies
Segopotso Moshapo, SAP Research CEC Pretoria, South Africa
Session 3b: Interoperability & Change Management for Public Administration
Chair: Harold Wesso, Meraka eSkills Institute, South Africa
An Innovative Semantic-based Solution for eGovernment Interoperability
María Pérez Ortega, GFI Informatica, Spain
The Role of the Document Server in e-Government
Juha Puustjärvi, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
ICT in the Service of Elected Representatives at National, Regional and Local Level: the eRepresentative Project
Vasilis Koulolias, eGovlab, Sweden
More with Less - The Oxymoron of Administrative Modernization in the Public Sector
Luis Nobre, SINFIC, Portugal
Session 3c: Technology Enhanced Learning in Schools
Chair: Enock Mpenzwa, Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology, Tanzania
Learning in a Web-based Environment – Outclass Project
Antonio Jose Batel Anjo, Osuwela, Mozambique
RED-p – Addressing the Resource Divide in Educational Development for Rural Areas of Tanzania
Kenedy Greyson, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), Tanzania
NEPAD e-Schools Initiative – An Example of an Innovative Partnership
Jeanne Meta, NEPAD e-Africa Commission, South Africa
The Success of the Romanian IT–based Educational System
Alexandru Cosbuc, SIVECO Romania, Romania
ICT in Educating Nomadic Children: Lessons Learnt
Muriyankulangara Ananthakrishnan, ANJANA:THE EDUCATING PEOPLE, India
Workshop 3d: Challenges and Opportunities for African-European ICT Partnerships in FP7
Chair: Mmboneni Muofhe, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Connecting Sub-Saharan Africa & the European Union for ICT partnerships under FP7 - The EuroAfrica-ICT initiative
Karine Valin, Sigma Orionis, France
ESASTAP (European-South African Science and Technology Advancement Programme)
Anneline Morgan, Southern African Development Community, Botswana
Science Technology-Europe Africa Project (ST-EAP)
Anneline Morgan, Southern African Development Community, Botswana
Coffee Break: Exhibition & Networking
Session 4a: Collaboration Networks & Industrial Applications
Chair: Jorge Grazina, European Commission, Belgium
Recent Advances in Enterprise Reference Architecture (ERA)
Zeljko Panian, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Croatia
Towards Industrial Applications of Wearable Computing
Michael Lawo, TZI Universitaet Bremen, Germany
Harnessing the Embedded Information Technology Revolution, An Industrialization Niche for the Developing World
Nephas Mufutumari, SIRDC, Zimbabwe
Workshop 4b: Mozambique Government Electronic Network (GovNet) - Present and Future
Chair: Salomão Manhiça, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique
Centralized e-Mail System - Government Network Case Study
Lourino Chemane, INTIC, Mozambique
Mozambican Government Portal Case Study: Visitor Analysis
Valter Cumbi, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique
GovNet e-Mail System Capacity Planning - Case Study
Sergio Mapsanganhe, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique
Impact of the Introduction of ICTs into the Register in Mozambique – Sharing Initial Results
Manuel Malunga, Ministério da Justiça, Mozambique
International and National Multi-Stakeholder Government Network Frameworks
Henry Alamango, COMNET-IT, Malta
Session 4c: Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education
Chair: Wallace Taylor, TISI - The Information Society Institute, South Africa
Building a Training Network for Sustainability in a Free Software e-Learning System
James Njenga, University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Implementing Course Description Metadata (CDM): A Relevant and Challenging Standard for Universities
Maggy Pézeril, Pole de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur Montpellier Sud de France, France
Intelligent Physical Blocks for Introducing Computer Programming in Developing Countries
Andrew Cyrus Smith, CSIR, South Africa
Launching e-Learning in Mekelle University, Ethiopia
irene Chege, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Workshop 4d: Expansion of European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) to Africa - Opportunities, Synergies, Benefits, Limitations
Chair: Christian Merz, SAP AG, Germany
“Marrying the ‘System of Innovation’ and Micro Enterprises in Real World Rural SADC”: An Overview of Collaborative SMME Incubation in the Rural Living Lab of Sekhukhune
Johann (Rensie) Janse van Rensburg, CSIR, South Africa
Collaborative Working Environments for Enterprise Incubation – The Sekhukhune Rural Living Lab
Rudi de Louw, SAP, South Africa
The Emerging Potential for Radical e-Enabled Improvements in Rural Collaboration and Accessibility
Andries Naude, CSIR , South Africa
Wireless Mesh Network For Rural Communities
Tunde Kallai, University of Szeged, Hungary
AMI@Work Family of Communities and European Network of Living Labs as Vehicles for Stimulating Innovation and Socio-Economic Development
Adam Turowiec, ITTI, Poland
Rural Living Labs for Collaborative eGovernance
Petr Horak, Wirelessinfo, Czech Republic

Exhibition & Networking
Tutorial 5a: Networked Enterprise: EU-funded projects & FP7
Networked Enterprise: EU-funded projects & FP7
Jorge Grazina, European Commission, Belgium
Tutorial 5b: eInfrastructures: EU-funded projects & FP7
eInfrastructures: EU-funded projects & FP7
Bernhard Fabianek, European Commission, Belgium
Tutorial 5c: Future Internet, IPV6 and Beyond, An Opportunity for Africa?
Future Internet, IPV6 and Beyond, An Opportunity for Africa?
Jacques Babot, -, Belgium
6Mandela - An Initiative by AfriNIC to Support IPv6 Adoption in the Africa Region
Pierre Dandjinou, AFRINIC, Mauritius
IPv6 is Good for Africa and Africa is Good for IPv6
Latif Ladid, IPv6 Forum, Luxembourg
Networking Reception

Day 2: 10 May 2007

Session 6a: eInfrastructure 1: Towards Next Generation Networks
Chair: Américo Muchanga, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Open Source IP Multimedia Subsystem Core and Testbed Exploration Areas
Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Design of a QoS Enabled WLAN in an IP Multimedia Subsystem Network
Samuel Senkindu, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Gridge Toolkit - Enterprise Grid Solutions From PSNC
Jarek Nabrzyski, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAN, Poland
Session 6b: eGovernment - Policy Issues
Chair: Henry Alamango, COMNET-IT, Malta
eGovernment Policy Development in South Africa: Current Status, Distributional Issues and Future Prospects
Blessing Maumbe, West Virginia University, United States
eGovernment for Development: Are Developing Countries Ready?
Collins Mwange, Spencon, Kenya
Using eGovernment/ICT's to Curb Corruption in Government
Vanessa Phala, Department of Public Service and Administration, South Africa
Best Practices for ID Verification of Vulnerable Children
Darelle van Greunen, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Mapping eParticipation Worldwide
Vasilis Koulolias, eGovlab, Sweden
Workshop 6c: Curriculum Development for ICT4D: The Case of Mozambique
Chair: Zauria Saifodine, National Institute for ICT, Mozambique
Factors leading to Success or Failure of Technology-based Education Projects
Alexander Romiszowski, Syracuse University, School of Education, United States
Design of Curricula and Courses for ICT-based Learning: A Systems Approach
Alexander Romiszowski, Syracuse University, School of Education, United States
Curriculum Development for ICT4D: The Case of Mozambique
Ernesto Mandlate, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Session 6d: eHealth 1: Telemedicine Applications & Case Studies
Chair: Maurice Mars, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Medical-Knowledge Management System for Distributed Health care in Africa: ICT to Harness Medical-knowledge Sharing in a Remote Clinic Desk
Richard Silumbe, Zambia Research and Development Centre, Zambia
Health Information Systems for Community Based Health Workers: A Case for Mobile and Wireless Technologies
Adesina Iluyemi, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Tele-homecare Supported by the DITIS Collaborative Platform
Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Postgraduate Medical Education: Videoconferencing a Possible Solution for Africa?
Maurice Mars, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Coffee Break: Exhibition & Networking
Workshop 7a: eInfrastructures as "Bridges" across the Digital Gap
Chair: Luciano Milanesi, CNR, Italy
e-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America: the EELA Project
Leandro Ciuffo, INFN - Catania, Italy
Grid Training and Dissemination Facilities: the GILDA experience
Leandro Ciuffo, INFN - Catania, Italy
Bioinformatics Challenges in Life Science
Luciano Milanesi, CNR, Italy
Grid-enabled Simulation of the Impact of Exploitation Uncertainty on the Seawater Intrusion of the Korba Aquifer (Tunisia)
Giuditta Lecca, CRS4, Italy
Session 7b: eGovernment - Case Studies
Chair: Gareth MacNaughton, RMIT University, Spain
e-Government as Perceived by the Populace of South Africa: An Eastern Cape Study
Jan Meyer, Monash University (South Africa), South Africa
The Angolan Electoral Census – A Biometric Paperless Solution
António Carvalho, Sinfic, Angola
Conceptualization of eGovernment as an Information Infrastructure: A Case Study from Mozambique
Gertrudes Macueve, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
A Framework for a Municipal Information Society in South Africa
Udo Averweg, Information Services, eThekwini Municipality and University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Session 7c: Technology Enhanced Learning Leveraging Mobile Devices
Chair: Richard Stevens, -, Italy
MobilED – An Accessible Mobile Learning Platform for Africa?
Merryl Ford, CSIR, South Africa
A Practical Look at Results from Two Mobile Learning Pilots in South Africa
Madelein van den Berg, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
Up Close and Very Personal - A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Mobile Technology as a Participant
Adele Botha, CSIR, South Africa
An Open Source Model Using Wireless Devices for Teaching Environments
James Mutuku, University of Namibia, Namibia
Managed Mobile Messaging and Information for Education
John Traxler, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Session 7d: eHealth 2: ICT & HIV/AIDS
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Virtual Environments to Support People Living with HIV
Edwin Blake, University of cape Town, South Africa
Integration of Viral Genomics with Clinical Data to Predict Response to Anti-HIV Treatment
Francesca Incardona, Informa s.r.l., Italy
The Delivery of ARV Dispensing Software: Lessons Learnt from Four Pharmacies in South Africa
Sarah Brown, Cell-Life, South Africa
Space Based Technologies for Supporting HIV/AIDS Treatment in Guinea Bissau
Giacomo Colombatti, CISAS - Università di Padova, Italy
Lunch: Exhibition & Networking
Session 8a: eInfrastructure 3: Leveraging Telecommunications
Chair: Lourino Chemane, INTIC, Mozambique
The Mobile Web to bridge the Digital Divide?
Stephane Boyera, Web Foundation, France
Video-on-demand over Satellite
Kobus Roux, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
NREN Initiatives in Central Asia and the Caucasus
Robert Janz, Computing Centre, University of Groningne, Netherlands
Mozambique Research and Education Network - Connecting National Research and Education Institutions to a Common Knowledge Network
Jussi Hinkkanen, Nokia Middle East and Africa , South Africa
Session 8b: eGovernment - Applications
Chair: Richard Stevens, -, Italy
Legal Information Access: A Social Need to Be Addressed
Roberta Nannucci, ITTIG/CNR, Italy
Digitalising Public Records in Mozambique
Antonio Teixeira, Pandora Box, Lda, Mozambique
Instituting an Information and Knowledge Management System in Rural areas: Twicking a Tiger's Tail or Tickling an Elephant - A Case Study of the National University of Science and Technology Project in South West Zimbabwe
Lindela Rowland Ndlovu, National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Rebag-Ware: Reputation-based Governance of Public Works
Lucio Picci, University of Bologna, Italy
Information Technology for Service Delivery: Case Studies in Southern African Capacity Initiative Countries
Roland Msiska, UNDP/RSC Johannesburg, South Africa
Session 8c: Technology Enhanced Learning & Lifelong Learning
Chair: Johannes Cronje, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Designing Educational Games for t-Learning
Linda Napoletano, ORT, France
An Efficient e-Learning Environment in Supporting Lifelong Learning
Borka Jerman-Blažic, Institute Jožef Stefan, Slovenia
Information Technology Degree Curriculum in Tanzanian Context
Mikko Vesisenaho, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Using Open Source Software Contribution in an Internship Program
Laurie Butgereit, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa
Use of Structural Communication to Automatically Assign Participants to Discussion Groups in Online Learning
Robinson Vida Noronha, UTFPR/ITA, Brazil
Session 8d: eHealth 3: Health Information Systems
Chair: José Leopoldo Nhampossa, Eduardo Mondlane University , Mozambique
Innovative Health Information Systems to Support Health Service Delivery in Africa: The Uganda Health Information Network
Frederick Kintu, Information Society Foundation of Uganda [ISF], Uganda
Health Data Integration: A Data Warehouse Architecture Model for the Ministry of Health in Mozambique
Teotónio Fumo, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique
An Intuitive Annotation Toolbox for Open-source Imaging Diagnosis
Sidi Mohamed Farsi, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Technology Management for Global Development - A Field-Based Context
Edward Friedman, Stevens Institute of Technology, United States
Coffee Break: Exhibition & Networking
Session 9a: Quality of Service & Business Models
Chair: Laurens Cloete, University of Pretoria, South Africa
XML- and Policy-based QoS Management
Ntanzi Machungo Carrilho, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Business Models Design in Location-based services
Elena Tavlaki, University of Aegean, Greece
Quality of Service for Rural Telemedicine Systems
Phumzile Malindi, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
Workshop 9b: Complexity of e-Government in Africa
Chair: Roberta Bernardi, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom
Failure in the Design and Implementation of Government ICT Projects in Africa. A Complexity Theory Perspective
Roberta Bernardi, Warwick Business School, United Kingdom
eGovernment Implementation in Rwanda: Practitioners Lessons
Aoife Hegarty, Kigali Institute of Science and Technology, Rwanda
Government Informatics: Challenges of Laying the Foundation for eGovernment
David Gichoya, Moi University, Kenya
A Conceptual Framework for Assessing the Effects of e-Government
Gertrudes Macueve, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Workshop 9c: Technology Enhanced ICT Training
Chair: Amany Atef, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt
Blended Learning for Knowledge Professions: The ITI Experience
Amany Atef, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Egypt
VITI4kids: Edutainment and Cultural Emphasis for Arab Children
Marwa elSherif, Information Technology Institute, Egypt
Workshop 9d: HIS in Africa: How to Ensure Sustainable Information Systems and Technologies in Health?
Chair: Jørn Braa, University of Oslo, Norway
Health Information Systems and Open Source Software Development: Need for Cross-country Collaboration in Africa – Experiences from the HISP/BEANISH Network
Jørn Braa, University of Oslo, Norway
Developing HIS in Botswana: The Challenge of Integrating Different Systems
Omprakash Chandna, Ministry of Youth, Sport and Culture, Botswana
Designing and Implementing Hospital Management Information Systems: Experiences from Zanzibar
Faraja Igira, University of Oslo, Tanzania
The Health District: Aren’t the Operational Challenges for Policy Implementation Being Ignored?
Humberto Muquingue, University Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Implementation of ICTs in Health and Management Information System for Zanzibar
Juma Lungo, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Health Information Systems Training: University of Dar es Salaam Implementation Experience
Nima H. Shidende, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Exhibition & Networking

Day 3: 11 May 2007

Workshop 10a: Piloting Solutions for Reversing Brain Drain into Brain Gain for Africa
Chair: Martin Antony Walker, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain in Africa - the UNESCO-Hewlett Packard project
Juma Shabani, UNESCO, Zimbabwe
A Pilot Project to Reverse Brain Drain to Brain Gain in Africa
Martin Antony Walker, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
eInfrastructures - Experiences Gained in the Balkans and Ideas for Africa
Bernhard Fabianek, European Commission, Belgium
Role and Objectives of HP University Relations in Africa
Arnaud Pierson, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
Session 10b: Environmental Risk Management
Chair: Ralf Denzer, Environmental Informatics Group, Germany
Essential Features of a Flood Management Policy Framework
Avelino Mondlane, Stockholm University, Sweden
Using Principles of Ambient Mobile Intelligence for Environmental Spatial Data
Karel Charvat, WirelessInfo, Czech Republic
Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods to Natural Resource Management
Martin Paisley, Staffordshire University, United Kingdom
Session 10c: eAdoption & eInclusion - Addressing the Digital Divide
Chair: Paulo Maculuve, Banco de Moçambique, Mozambique
Novel Approaches in ICT Policy Regulation and Management: Lessening the Digital Divide
Kelvin Joseph Bwalya, University of Botswana, Botswana
Korea’s Efforts to Bridge the Digital Divide
Yeongi Son, Korean Agency for digital Opportunity and Promotion (KADO), South Korea
Portal/Portable Knowledge for Development: The Case of Sudan
Rafaa Ashamallah Ghobrial Morgos, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Sudan
It’s Not (Only) About Technology - Success Factors in ICT4D Projects
Nikos Nikolidakis, ICT4D Consulting, Germany
Improving Usability and Accessibility
Nigel Bevan, Professional Usability Services, United Kingdom
Workshop 10d: Community-owned Wireless Networks
Chair: Chris Morris, Internet Society, South Africa
First Mile, First Inch
Chris Morris, Internet Society, South Africa
Homebrew Antenna: Community Access to Technology
Constantino Sotomane, MICTI, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Challenges and Experiences in Developing Sustainable Models for Rural Communications
Jamo Macanze, MICTI - Mozambique Information and Communication Technology, Mozambique
A Case Study: Shared Connectivity Between Schools in Inhambane
Kauxique Maganlal, Ministry of Education and Culture, Mozambique
Affordable Telephone Service with Internet for Rural Communities in Sub Saharan Africa
Mika Skarp, Nokia, Finland
Coffee Break: Exhibition & Networking
Session 11a: Trust & Security
Chair: Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
ICT Trust, Security and Dependability Research Strategy beyond 2010
James Clarke, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Operationalisation of ICT Security Policy, Services and Mechanisms in an Organisation
Jabiri Kuwe Bakari, Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden
Trust and Confidence for E/M-Commerce Transactions in African States: A Paradigm Shift
Kelvin Joseph Bwalya, University of Botswana, Botswana
Safeguarding the Research Infrastructure for Globalised Research Partnerships: Best Practice on How to Set-up a CERT
Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
Workshop 11b: ICT for Environment and Security in Africa
Chair: Bernard Stevenot, SPACEBEL, Belgium
Co-Chair: Ralf Denzer, Environmental Informatics Group, Germany
Architecture and Standards for the Dissemination of Geospatial Services
Jérôme Mandin, SPACEBEL, Belgium
Implementation of a Regional Environmental and Security Portal in Dakar
Malick Diagne, Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal
Sensors Anywhere (SANY) - An Integrated European Project
Gerald Schimak, Austrian Research Center GmbH - ARC, Austria
Infrastructures for Risk Management and Environmental Monitoring
Ralf Denzer, Environmental Informatics Group, Germany
Workshop 11c: Active Age
Chair: Richard Ennals, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Learning from Others within the Landscape of 'Transitional Economies' and the Challenge in ICT Development for African Countries
Thomas Odamtten, Steppingstones Limited, United Kingdom
eRedesigning of Society: Towards Experiential Connectivity of Generations in Lithuania
Richard Ennals, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Overview of MPOWER: Middleware Platform for the Cognitively Impaired and Elderly
Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Global Information Technology and Global Citizenship Education
Richard Ennals, Kingston University, United Kingdom
Workshop 11d: Tools and Methods in North/South Partnership for Research
Chair: Bernard Philippe, INRIA/IRISA, France
Co-Chair: Mohamed Jaoua, University of Nice, France
High Performance Computing in Africa: Experience and Projects within the CARI Network
Emmanuel Kamgnia, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
A Grid Based Environment for SARIMA and other North-African projects
Mokhtar Sellami, University Badji Mokhtar Annaba, Algeria
Sharing Scientific Development to Face a Common Future
Mohamed Jaoua, University of Nice, France
Lunch: Exhibition & Networking
Closing Plenary 12a
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Science in Service of Society: A Need for Establishing Sustainable Research and Innovation Infrastructure in Africa
Sospeter Muhongo, International Council for Science, Regional Office for Africa, South Africa
Adapting and Exploiting ICT Research Results to Achieve Sustainable Economic Impact in Africa
Lidia Brito, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Mozambique Development Marketplace: Competition for Innovative Ideas
Isabel Neto, The World Bank Group, Mozambique
Tech/Na! – The ICTs in Education Initiative – An Holistic “Orange Revolution” for Namibia
Johan van Wyk, Ministry of Education, Namibia
Best Paper Award & Best Demonstration Stand Award

Closing Remarks
Prof. Dr. Eng.Venâncio Massingue, Honourable Minister of Science & Technology, Mozambique

Disclaimer: This is the Advance Programme, which is subject to change. The Final Programme will be published in March, following receipt of all final papers.

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To collapse papers in all sessions, click here.
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