Adoption of e-Assessment in Strathmore University Delphine Mukandutiye, Strathmore University, Kenya
Incorporating a Guided Problem-Solving Method into Activemath using the House Model and Logistic Regression Kyle Stone, Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa
Students Experiences of Using Wiki Spaces to Support Collaborative Learning in a Blended Classroom: A Case of Kenyatta and KCA Universities in Kenya Rhoda Gitonga, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Exploring Three Approaches to Offer Distance Learning Courses through a Social Network of Health Researchers in Three
African Countries Maximo Ramirez Robles, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Are Facebook “likes” Enough to Assess Student Satisfaction in Open Distance Learning (ODL)? An Incursion into Students’ Experience of ODL through Online Social Networks (OSNs) Mrinal Sohoraye, Open University of Mauritius, Mauritius