IST-Africa 2006 Agenda
Updated: 2006-04-28 20:03:06
Day 1: 03 May 2006
Registration & Coffee
Opening Plenary 1a
Chair: Phil Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
A Strategic African-European IST partnership: Knowledge and Innovation for Sustainable Development
Honourable Mosibudi Mangena, Minister of Science and Technology, South Africa
Bringing Government Services to the Citizens - The Mozambique Approach: Sharing our early Results, Challenges and Opportunities
Prof. Dr. Eng.Venâncio Massingue, Honourable Minister of Science & Technology, Mozambique
Information Society : New Perspectives for EU-Africa Partnership
Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission, Belgium
Information Society and Development in South Africa
Lyndall Shope-Mafole, Director General, Department of Communications, South Africa
Information Society as a Sector in Finnish Development Policy
Heikki Tuunanen, Ambassador of Finland to South Africa, South Africa
e-Government and the Advent of Shared Services and Shared Source
Ingo Juraske, Hewlett-Packard Europe, Germany
Coffee Break
Opening Plenary 2a
Chair: Phil Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
IST Programme: International Coooperation Opportunities
Thierry Devars, European Commission, Belgium
IST-Africa Initiative
Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Session 3a: eBusiness 1: Case Studies
Chair: Kgomotso Moahi, University of Botswana, Botswana
ICT Usage and its Impact on Profitability of SMEs: A Case of 8 African Countries
Christoph Stork,, South Africa
Infrastructural and Behavioural Influences on the Adoption of eCommerce in Developing Countries
Faith-Michael Uzoka, Mount Royal University, Canada
eAdoption: Italian Case Study
Michela Serrecchia, Institute for Informatics and Telematics – Italian National Research Council (IIT-CNR), Italy
Nurturing Entrepreneurship in Mozambique - The Case of MICTI
Jamo Macanze, MICTI - Mozambique Information and Communication Technology, Mozambique
Session 3b: eGovernment 1: Planning Issues
Chair: Harold Wesso, Meraka eSkills Institute, South Africa
National ICT Policies for Poverty Reduction and Gender Mainstreaming: Emerging Trends and Issues in Africa
K M Baharul Islam, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Ethiopia
Keeping up with the Joneses: Questioning the Pace of e-Government in the Developing World
Helen Alexander, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, South Africa
Economic Benefits of Outsourcing in Government
Arindam Bose, Ministry of Communications Science and Technology, Botswana
Issues and Challenges to be Addressed in e-Government from an Information Security Point of View
Jabiri Kuwe Bakari, Stockholm University/KTH, Sweden
Session 3c: eLearning & ICT Skills in Schools
Chair: Marco Marsella, European Commission, Luxembourg
Implementation of the NEPAD e-Schools Initiative
Lesiba Sandy Malapile, NEPAD , South Africa
Computer Use in Typical South African Schools
Sue Cohen, SAIDE/Mindset, South Africa
Jeremias Correia , Escola Portuguesa de Moçambique, Mozambique
On the Selection of ICT and Multimedia Based Learning Content for Secondary Schools in a Developing Country
Tapani Jussila, Kanki International, Finland
Workshop 3d: Challenges and Opportunites for African-European IST Partnerships in FP7
Chair: Daan du Toit, Deputy Director-General: International Cooperation and Resources, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Opportunities for African Participation in FP7
Thierry Devars, European Commission, Belgium
Lessons from African Participation in the IST Activities of FP6
Johan Eksteen, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
European Development Cooperation to Support IST Development in Africa: the Finnish example
Ilari Lindy, HAUS The Finnish Institute of Public Management, Finland
ICT Research Agenda of Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action
Sibusiso Manzini, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa
France’s Bilateral Networks to Support ICT Cooperation with Africa
Samuel Elmaleh, Embassy of France, South Africa
Coffee Break
Session 4a: eBusiness 2: Tourism/Cultural Heritage
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Electronic Business Survey on South African Tour Operators
Pascal Verhoest, DISC, Belgium
Research in Turkey on Tourism - GIS and Province Municipals
H.Suavi Ahipasaoglu, Anadolu University, Turkey
Making Culture Rich - World's Best Practice in Digital Cultural Contents
Thomas Biebl, ICNM - International Center for New Media, Austria
Session 4b: eGovernment 2: Service Provision
Chair: Salomão Manhiça, ICT Policy Implementation Technical Unit (UTICT), Mozambique
The Hops Project: Developing Transformational Government Services
Muntsa Padro, UPC, Spain
Speech Technology for Accessing Government Information Services
Mmope Lephoto, National University of Lesotho, Lesotho
Enabling Viable m-Government
Thomas Rose, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
Tutorial 4c: eLearning 2: From Vision to Reality in Northern Ireland: Empowering Schools for eLearning through Public/Private Cooperation
Introduction: C2k and the N. Ireland Context
Paddy Maguire, C2k, United Kingdom
“Relevant, Reliable and Risk-free” - ICT provision in N. Ireland’s schools in 2006
Mary Kane, C2k, United Kingdom
Getting to Where We Are – Lessons Learnt over the Last 5 Years
Mary Kane, C2k, United Kingdom
The Future
Paddy Maguire, C2k, United Kingdom
Workshop 4d: eHealth 1: Medical Export
Chair: Peter Laing, FIR at Aachen University of Technology, Germany
Co-Chair: Tomaso Forzi, FIR at Aachen University of Technology, Germany
Technology Enhanced Internationalisation of Medical Services of German Health Care Institutions for African Patients
Tobias Rhensius, FIR at Aachen University of Technology, Germany
Transfer of European Technologies and Services for a Decentralised Healthcare System in Southern African Countries
Dimitri Dimitrov, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Tutorial 5a: eInfrastructures: EU-funded Projects & FP7
Tutorial 5b: eLearning 3: EU-funded Projects & FP7
Technology-enhanced Learning - Research, Activities and Future Directions
Marco Marsella, European Commission, Luxembourg
Day 2: 04 May 2006
Session 6a: eBusiness 3: Security
Chair: Laurens Cloete, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Authentication - The Final Frontier
Karen Renaud, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Biometrics and Banking Systems in the African Context
Serestina Viriri, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
SecurIST: The Application Security Initiative
James Clarke, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Research Requirements for Security and Dependability for Services
Paulo Verissimo, FC/UL - Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Session 6b: eGovernment 4: Issues and Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, -, Italy
Greenfields & Brownfields : The Global Landscape for ICT4D
Puvan J. Selvanathan, Global Knowledge Partnership, Malaysia
Rethinking E-government Development: Issues, Lessons and Future Prospects for the Cape Gateway Portal in South Africa
Katherine de Tolly, Provincial Government of the Western Cape, South Africa
MCDM Framework and the Selection of Network Topologies: GovNet Case Study
Lourino Chemane, INTIC, Mozambique
Session 6c: eLearning & ICT Skills in Higher Education
Chair: Johannes Cronje, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Implementing Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education in Tanzania
Mikko Vesisenaho, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Capacity Development supported by ICT in Higher Education
Keetie Roelen, University Maastricht, Netherlands
Socially Aware Software Engineering for the Developing World
Edwin Blake, University of cape Town, South Africa
Assessing the Assessors: Training Web-Based Learning and Teaching Practitioners at the Durban Institute of Technology
Charl Fregona, Durban Institute of Technology, South Africa
Session 6d: eHealth 3: Applications & Services
Chair: Kgomotso Moahi, University of Botswana, Botswana
ICTs for Ageing, Disabilities and Independance (ADI)
Mounir Mokhtari, Institut National des Télécommunications (INT/GET), France
Towards Grid-enabled Telemedicine in Africa
Vincent Breton, CNRS/IN2P3, France
An ICT-based Diagnosis Procedure and Toolset for Early Detection of Cervix Cancer
Gil Gonçalves, University of Porto, Portugal
Investigating Simple ICT to Better Patients Health Outcomes
Letsholo Mojanaga, Medical Research Council of South Africa, South Africa
Coffee Break
Session 7a: eBusiness 4: Networked Organisations
Chair: James Clarke, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Managing Cross-Organizational Business Processes
Timo Kahl, DFKI GmbH, Germany
On the Management of Collaborative Networked Organizations
Martin Ollus, VTT, Finland
Empowering SMEs to Design and Operate Interlinked Logistic Networks
Flavio Bonfatti, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
“From Technologists to Business Developers” - the Evolution of ICT4Dev Practitioners in South(ern) Africa
Johann (Rensie) Janse van Rensburg, CSIR, South Africa
Session 7b: eGovernment 5: Case Studies
Chair: Henry Alamango, COMNET-IT, Malta
Integrating National eGovernment Programmes with Regional Development Interventions
Jussi Hinkkanen, Nokia Middle East and Africa , South Africa
Botswana e-Government Initiatives
Bambi Vubu, Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology - Government of Botswana, Botswana
eGovernment: Enhancing Capacity through eLearning
Yohannes Kassahun, The International Development Law Organization, Italy
An Assessment of Factors Influencing Rural eAdoption: A Case of South Africa
Wallace Chigona, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Session 7c: eLearning 5: ICT Skills Issues
Chair: Enock Mpenzwa, Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology, Tanzania
An e-Learning Strategy for Africa based on Open Source Experience in Europe
Alex Didier Essoh, FernUniversitaet in Hagen, Germany
eLearning for Language Learning
Gerhard van Huyssteen, North-West University, South Africa
eLearning in Africa: Building the Infrastructure and Providing the Services
Leopold Reif, Hoffmann & Reif Consultants, Germany
Business Process-driven Learning
Martin Gunnar, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany
Workshop 7d: eHealth 4: ICT Healthcase Solutions in Africa
Chair: Danny Naidoo, Microsoft, South Africa
Paperless Hospital
Amjad Abu Shadi, Shadi Systems, Egypt
RTMG - Fighting AIDS by the numbers in Africa
Harvey Stewart, RMTG, United States
e-Health Advances in Distribution of Drugs to Health Centres
Zealous Nyabadza, National Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Zimbabwe
CRADLE: Capturing Integrated Medical Data to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality
Gavin Warrener, Microsoft, South Africa
Session 8a: eBusiness 5: Mobility Issues
Chair: Daniel Annerose, Manobi, Senegal
Mobile Communications - the Requirements of Emerging Economies
Ali Mufuruki, MOCCA ThinkTank, Tanzania
Rural Area Networks (RANETs) for Bridging the Digital Divide
Phumzile Malindi, Walter Sisulu University, South Africa
Applying Network Intelligence on Future Generation Network by using IP Multimedia Subsystem Testbed
Yang Li, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Session 8b: eGovernment 6: eDemocracy & eParticipation
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Working Towards Interoperability in African Parliamentary Information Systems
Fabio Vitali, University of Bologna, Italy
EPRI Development of a Political Framework for eDemocracy Initiatives
Marco Langhof, Teleport Sachsen Anhalt GmbH, Germany
A Decade of eGovernment – Who Has Won?
Jari Seppälä, City of Tampere, Finland
Session 8c: eLearning 6: ICT Skills Case Studies
Chair: Richard Stevens, -, Italy
A Developing Country Perspective on Strategic and Quality Issues for Engaging in Cross Border Delivery and Open Source Initiatives
Rachel Prinsloo, UNISA, South Africa
Towards Sustainable Implementation of Computers in Schools
Johannes Cronje, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Romanian IT-based Educational System
Alexandru Cosbuc, SIVECO Romania, Romania
The Golden Link - A Good Practice Model for Organisational Learning and Experience-sharing across Age Divides and Distances
Anne Inga Hilsen, Work Research Institute, Norway
Workshop 8d: eHealth 5: New Strategies in HIV/AIDS Prevention
Chair: Pieter van der Bijl, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
An Overview of the EMPRO (European Microbicides Project)
Pieter van der Bijl, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Emergence of the HIV-1 Subtype C Epidemic
Estrelita Janse van Rensburg, NHLS & University of Pretoria, South Africa
Applying Mobile Devices to Promote Evidence-based Practices for HIV/AIDS in Resource Deprived Environments
Graham Woods, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Open Source Software for Management of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in South Africa and Neighbouring Countries
Calle Hedberg, UWC / HISP-21, South Africa
Coffee Break
Session 9a: eBusiness 6: Mobility Applications
Chair: Thierry Devars, European Commission, Belgium
wearIT@work - Empowering the Mobile Worker by Wearable Computing – the First Demonstrators
Peter Knackfuss, InfoConsult GmbH, Germany
A Living Lab for Location Based Services: Windmills, Tulips and Innovators in the Leiden Area
Jan-Marc Verlinden, Vivici BV/ZorgGemak, Netherlands
A Hierarchical Approach to Joint Call Admission Control in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Kamil Suleiman, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Leveraging Digital Terrestrial Television to Extend Broadband Access to Dispersed Locations
Evangelos Pallis, Centre for Technological Research of Crete, Greece
Workshop 9b: eGovernment 7: GUIDE - Development of an Identity Management Architecture for Europe
Chair: Jacqueline Clitheroe, BT, United Kingdom
Process Management in eGovernment: Approaches and Methodologies
Philip Seltsikas, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Cross-border Identity Management Trials Implementation
Gerrit Ros, BT, United Kingdom
Certification and Standardisation: Vision of the Future
Pasi Lindholm, Modirum, Finland
A Research Protocol for Studying Organizational Affordances for Identity Management in Europe
Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Session 9c: eLearning 7: Tools
Chair: Matti Sinko, -, Ethiopia
Developing a Web-based Visualized Vocabulary
Juha Puustjärvi, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Hybrid Ontology-Based Feedback E-Learning System for Mobile Computing
Ahmed Sameh, The American University in Cairo, Egypt
Turning BalkaNet’s Inter-Lingual Index to a Powerful Ontology
Dimitris Christodoulakis, University of Patras, Greece
openAdap.Net: A Technical Perspective
Alessandro E.P. Villa, University Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1, France
Workshop 9d: Finland - South Africa Cooperation on Information Society: Women and the Information Society
Chair: Anja-Riitta Ketokoski-Rexed, Department of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Stimulating the Participation of Women in ICT in South Africa
Tina James, Trigrammic, South Africa
WomenIT - Women in Industry and Technology
Eija Leinonen, University of Oulu, Finland
Government Strategies for Increasing the Participation and Position of Women in Science, Engineering and Technology - the UK Perspective
Karen Sadler, UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, United Kingdom
Day 3: 05 May 2006
Session 10a: eBusiness 7: Mobility & IPv6
Chair: Kobus Roux, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
The 6DISS Project and its Opportunities for the African Continent
Martin Potts, Martel, Switzerland
An Adaptive Mobile Video Streaming Scheme over Mobile IPv6 for IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs
Madhush Koruth Mathews, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Towards an Open Testbed for Next Generation Network Services and Opportunities in Africa
H Anthony Chan, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Enhanced SIP Security for Air Interface (Gm) between IMS Core and Client
Walter Penzhorn, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Workshop 10b: eGovernment 8: e-Governance as an Inter-Sectoral Learning Challenge in a Changing World
Chair: Gianluca Misuraca, EPFL, Switzerland
Conceptualizing e-Governance
Matthias Finger, EPFL, Switzerland
Unlocking the Potential of the ICT-revolution through Institutional Change
Wolter Lemstra, TUDelft, Netherlands
e-Governance in Africa, from Theory to Action: Practical-oriented Case Studies on ICTs for Local Governance
Gianluca Misuraca, EPFL, Switzerland
eGovenance and Service Delivery: The Case of Mauritius
Taruna Shalini Ramessur, University of Technology, Mauritius
Session 10c: Impact of ICT - Theory and Practice
Chair: Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Digital Communities – A Holistic Approach to ICT-enabled Development
Sandy Johnstone, Hewlett-Packard European Laboratories, United Kingdom
An Overview of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Initiatives in Rural Africa Towards Empowerment
Meera Joseph, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
ICT and Spatial Impacts in Europe: The Need to Address New Urban and Regional Policies
Gonçalo Santinha, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Communication Network Education and Opportunities in Developing Countries
H Anthony Chan, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Session 10d: ICT to Support Rural Communities
Chair: Karel Charvat, WirelessInfo, Czech Republic
The Ypaithros Portal: Decreasing the Digital Divide by Bringing Information to Citizens and Businesses in Rural Areas.
Manolis Stratakis, Innobatics, Greece
AMI@Work - Communities to Facilitate e-Work and e-Business Innovation
Adam Turowiec, ITTI, Poland
Open Source Architecture for Africa - A Bottom-Up Approach to Innovation Building in the Context of Construction in Rural Africa
Helge Fahrnberger, Laafi - Initiative for Development, Austria
Non-Real Time-Hybrid Connectivity for Agriculture Development in Rural areas of Developing Countries
Kenedy Greyson, Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (DIT), Tanzania
Coffee Break
Workshop 11a: GRID Computing
Chair: Martin Antony Walker, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
Status of Grids in Research and Industry
Martin Antony Walker, Hewlett Packard, Switzerland
Lessons from Europe’s International Grid Initiatives: Grid Technology in Africa
Dieter Kranzlmüller, European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Switzerland
Towards Information Society and eScience - PSNC Experiences with New Generation Networks, Grid Computing and Portals
Krzysztof Kurowski, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland
Lessons from Grid Initiatives in South – Eastern Europe
Yannis Mitsos, Greek Research and Technology Network, Greece
Workshop 11b: eGovernment 9: eGovernment Challenges in Africa
Chair: Romi Barjaktarevic, DPSA, South Africa
The Status of eGovernment in South Africa
Maria Farelo, DPSA, South Africa
A Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation System to Support Good Public Management
Chris Morris, Internet Society, South Africa
eGovernment Activities in Lesotho
Nketsi Makhera, Ministry of Communications, Lesotho
Workshop 11c: Mobile ICT and Adaptive Computing Innovation for Rural Areas and NGOs
Chair: Johannes Cronje, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Metis Meets Empirical Modelling: From Ancient Wisdom to Emerging Technology
Meurig Beynon, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Mobile Technologies and NGOs: Future Challenges and Opportunities in Suburban and Rural Areas
P. Clint Rogers, University of Joensuu, United States
Contextual Factors for a Sustainable Model of Adoption of ICT Services by Rural and Suburban Communities in Mali: Modern Media and Oral Tradition
Yaya Sangare, OKN- Radios Jamana, Mali
ICT services in Rural Mali: Last Mile Initiative (LMI) - Cybertigi Project Toward Developing an Empirical Sustainable Business Model
Matt Berg, IESC/Geekcorps, Mali
Session 11d: ICT for Agriculture
Chair: Kevin Painting, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) , Netherlands
ICTs in Agricultural Development: The Case of Tanzania
Hamisi Nguli, ex COSTECH, Tanzania
KM in the Agricultural Field: An ICT-based Approach to Promote the Development and Sharing of Knowledge among Agricultural Researchers in Africa
Edda Tandi Lwoga, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania
Open Agriculture System
Karel Charvat, WirelessInfo, Czech Republic
Information Society Technologies (IST): Challenges and Opportunities for Tanzania’s Livestock Industry
Mberwa Paul Longin Nsiima, Ministry of Livestock Development, Tanzania
Closing Plenary 12a
Chair: Antti Peltomäki, Deputy Director-General, DG Information Society and Media, European Commission, Belgium
Impact of ICT on Capacity Building in Africa
Cheikh Diarra, Chairman for Africa at Microsoft, South Africa
Building an Ecosystem for the Development, Deployment and Support of Free Software for E-Learning in Africa
Derek Keats, Wits University, South Africa
EU-ACP Cooperation on ICT & RTD Initiatives
Harry De Backer, EU Delegation to the African Union, Ethiopia
Overview of Workshop Findings
Paul Cunningham, IIMC / IST-Africa Institute, Ireland
Closing Remarks
Phil Mjwara, Director-General, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
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